eHealth standards and interoperability Global eHealth survey 2012 Misha Kay Manager Global Observatory for eHealth World Health Organization
Global Observatory for eHealth (GOe) Mission: Provide Member States with timely, high-quality evidence to improve policy, practice and management of eHealth services
60% response rate Global surveys First 2005 Second 2009/10 Third 2012/13 60% response rate
Survey methodology One survey per country Completed by an "eHealth expert informants group" at a one day workshop Group comprised of Ministries of Health, Telecoms, Technology representatives, researchers, EHL practitioners, NGOs, academics, professional bodies 5-15 members in group
Survey themes A number of survey themes in each survey such as telemedicine, mHealth, legal aspects, safety and security on the Internet ….. In 2009/2010 first round of questions on standards International standards National standards
2012 global eHealth survey What kinds of questions should we be asking to gain a more complete picture of the field of standards? What kind of person(s) should we include in the expert group?
. Thank you