Teta Timișoara
For non-RATE participants: 150 RON by September 15 17th rate conference “to be or not to be a good teacher” Bucharest, 28-30 october 2016 AT Colegiul național mihai viteazul For RATE members: 120 RON by September 15 150 RON by October 5 180 RON by October 20 For non-RATE participants: 150 RON by September 15 180 RON by October 5 200 RON by October 20
17th RATE conference, bucharest *Speaker’s proposals: send forms by September 28th. *Conference registration form (Events): http://rate.org.ro/blog4.php
5 November, 2016, CNA “Ion Vidu” 9 December, 2016, CNA “Ion Vidu” Teta days: (2016-2017) 1st semester: 5 November, 2016, CNA “Ion Vidu” 9 December, 2016, CNA “Ion Vidu” 2nd semester 18 February, 2016, CNA “Ion Vidu” 7 April, 2016, CNA “Ion Vidu”
Contact us: *TETA email: tetaromania@gmail.com *Facebook page: TETA TETA *https://tmenglish.wordpress.com/te ta/
Enjoy being a teta member Attend TETA DAYS, National RATE Conf. and International IATEFL Conferences Publish articles in RATE ISSUES (The RATE bi-annual academic TEFL journal – ISSN-registered) Share good practice activities, teaching ideas and teaching/learning resources