Your connection to Serbian IT marketing business! virtuelna esnafska zajednica Information Technology Marketing and PR
Misson Our mission is to help our clients develop dynamic marketing strategy and enable quality communication with their customers, increase their sales, profit and brend recognition. Vission Our vision is to become the leading company in the field of IT marketing and PR consulting in the Balkans. We use modern methodology based on the most advanced education and business consulting models, using practical research-based tools.
Consulting services For us, consulting is a two-way interactive process of seeking, giving and receiving help. F-Secure d.o.o., Belgrade Business strategy consulting, PR activities planning and execution, full advertising campaign in 15 major Serbian magazines, media relations, work on improvement and evaluation of the complete marketing and sales strategy. Pogodak d.o.o., Belgrade PR campaign to position a new localized search engine "Pogodak" in Serbia. Business strategy consulting, PR activities planning and execution, initial advertising campaign, media relations, work on improvement and evaluation of the complete marketing strategy.
Consulting services What can we do for you? Establish your business needs collecting evidence-information, based on research. As a result of your needs, examine and analyze your business functions, plans and goals. Prepare detailed report of your current situation, and give our suggestions on development strategy. As a result of the agreed strategy, prepare effective and clearly defined action plan. Help you to implement the prepared action plan participating in its actions. After implementation, prepare detailed project evaluation. consulting
Education services As a response to your specific needs, we will organize the team of educators-practitioners who are perfectly suited to answer your needs. NIS-NAFTAGAS In-house training seminar in the field of quality management and information security. Management for 21st century - What after ISO 9000?
What can we do for you: Establish your educational needs collecting evidence-information, based on research. As a result of your needs, propose the appropriate educational program. Gather the team of educators, experts-practitioners in respected fields. Organize needed seminars, practical training or interactive workshops. After implementation, prepare detailed evaluation of completed education. education Education services
Web design services Wide spectrum of VEZA d.o.o. services includes application of complete business solutions in the field of Internet Technology. Use the possibilities of internet!
Web design services web design Corporate web site of jewelry store "Andrejević" Belgrade The first prize on the sixth international digital art festival ArtTech.2005.
Web design services web design International web portal – very complex on-line visitor traffic marketplace system. The first prize on the fifth international digital art festival ArtTech.2004.
We can help you in: Marketing Communications Information technologies Electronic business Internet marketing Sales Project management Branding Advertising Public relations ISO standards Innovation management Internationalization
Contact us: VEZA d.o.o. Ljubice Ivošević Belgrade Tel/fax: Consulting Miodrag Kostić Director Mob: Education Prof. dr Milan Kukrika Education director Mob: Web design Tijana Sekulić Art director Mob: