Eddie Koiki Mabo and Land Rights LI: To be able to understand the importance and consequences of Eddie Koiki Mabo’s fight for the land rights of Indigenous peoples
Research and define the following terms: Terra Nullius Native Title Indigenous peoples
A quick clip Watch the clip at this address: http://dl.nfsa.gov.au/module/1450/ What were your first impressions of Eddie Mabo based on the opening image? Who are the people interviewed in the clip? How do you think the filmmaker felt about Mabo and his family? Give at least one reason for your answer.
Write down a quick profile of Mabo including: Read the document here: http://www.reconciliation.org.au/wp- content/uploads/2014/02/Lets-Talk-Mabo.pdf. Write down a quick profile of Mabo including: Where he was born When he was born Where he lived.
Using the previous article and your own research, answer the following questions: Where did Mabo learn about land ownership laws? Why did he challenge these? How long did this challenge take? What was the result? What were some of the consequences of his challenge? http://www.abc.net.au/tv/mabo/pdf/Mabo_History_TeacherNotes.pdf
Timeline Read through the timeline located here: http://www.abc.net.au/tv/mabo/timeline/ You can click on each entries for more information, including short videos. Choose 10 of these events and use them to construct an accurate timeline of your own.