Welcome to Class XI -Orientation 2018-2019 Class XI
Examination Pattern The students will be assessed regularly through : WEEKLY TESTS CLASS TESTS HALF YEARLY EXAMINATION AND FINAL EXAMINATION. Each round of tests is important. Regularity in tests/ exams is a must for the students. The final assessment will be based on the following- Exam/ Test Unit –I Half Yearly Unit- II Final Final Assessment Month July- Aug September Nov- Dec Feb Marks 100 25%(Unit-I, Half Yearly & Unit-II) + 75% (Final)
PROMOTION POLICY In order to be promoted to Class XII, a student requires to score a minimum of 33% marks in each subject individually. It is mandatory for a student to pass separately in Theory and Practical Exams. In case the student fails in one subject in the Final Assessment, it will be treated as Compartment she/he and will be given ONE mere CHANCE to clear that paper. In case the student fails in more than one subject, she/ he will be detained in class XI. In case the student fails in the compartment exam, she/he will be detained in class XI. There will be NO COMPARTMENT EXAM IN ENGLISH. If a student fails in English she/ he will be detained in Class XI.
Additional Subject Rule & Change of stream/ subject In case a student wants to take an additional subject ( sixth subject), she/ he has to study it on her/his own. They will have to secure passing marks in the Half Yearly and the Final Examinations to be eligible to pursue the subject in Class XII. No change of subject or stream will be allowed after July. Change will be allowed on request till Monday 26 July only if required grades have been scored by the student for the stream/ subject optioned for.
Students must not resort to any unfair means in any test or examination. If they do so, they will be awarded a zero in the respective subject, suspended for a week and not be allowed to appear for the rest of that subject.
PATTERN OF QUESTION PAPERS The Final Examination will be based on the complete syllabus. The question papers will be based on the Board pattern and as per the CBSE syllabus . Students are therefore advised to visit the CBSE websites: www.cbse.nic.in and www.cbseacademic.in for latest updates , syllabus and sample papers.
any change that takes place. There is project work in Business Studies ,Accountancy, Economics and History in Classes XI & XII Subject teachers will inform the students periodically about any change that takes place.
Health and Physical Education is concerned with total health of the learner and the community. Besides physical health, it includes mental and emotional health of the learners. Health is often a state of physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The aim of Mainstreaming Health and Physical Education is to enable the student to attain an optimum state of health, by incorporating each of the aforementioned aspects. TISEOK
SCHEDULE OF HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN SCHOOL Strand 1 – Team games / Individual sports – to be conducted in regular sports classes. Strand 2 – Mass P T – to be conducted on Mondays and Thursdays in the zero hour. Strand 3 – SEWA – to be conducted every Wednesday in the zero hour for classes IX to XI. Strand 4 – Health and Physical Education Card – to be compiled and prepared by the Class teachers. Campus care will help us in designing the same. TISEOK