Clouds and their characteristics
How Clouds form Clouds form when warm air moves upward, as the air moves up it gets colder,
Cumulus Clouds White and puffy, resemble cotton balls Lifetime is 40-45 mins. Air bubbles called “Thermals” are inside these clouds giving them their appearance Can cause short, heavy rainfall Partly responsible for creating cold fronts Warm air rises, then cools and condenses to form a cumulus cloud
Cirrus Clouds Thin and wispy Generally occur in fair weather Considered “high clouds” Usually move from west in east
Stratus Clouds Usually associated with overcast weather Fog or mist are usually results of low stratus clouds Known for drizzle When heavy rain falls from them their title is changed to “nimbostratus”
Nimbus Clouds A cloud in which rain or snow is falling from it Dark, dense, and low Sky is usually dark Form when air is cooled
Time for a game! I will read descriptions of the types of clouds we have discussed, after each description hold up the picture of the cloud you believe fits the description We will play within our groups First, as a warm up, I will show each name and hold up the corresponding picture
The result of these clouds are usually fog and mist Description 1: The result of these clouds are usually fog and mist
Answer: Stratus Clouds
Description 2: Dark, dense and low
Answer: Nimbus Clouds
Description 3: Thin and wispy Associated with fair weather
Answer: Cirrus Clouds
Description 4 White and puffy Lifetime of 40-45 minutes
Answer Cumulus clouds