Presentation 3 Interactive Learning By: Kelly Dekle Date: November 10, 2014
Standard MCC9-12.G.SRT.8 Use trigonometric ratios and the Pythagorean Theorem to solve right triangles in applied problems.
Description And outline This presentation takes a look at Smart Notebook and other interactive technologies. I will present the lesson I thought best taught my standard and go over the 3 apps I found to help me teach mathematics more successfully. Smart Notebook Example Three Apps Khan Academy Desmos Pythagoras Questions
Smart notebook I found this lesson to be extremely informative and interesting. More than one proof of how the theorem works. The real world application examples show students its necessity. Plenty of practice problems. Proof puzzles at the end.
1. Khan Academy Mini lessons and examples on basically every high school math standard. Can be used for homework help of lesson integration. Easy to understand. earch?page_search_query=pyth agorean%20theorem
2. Desmos Graphing app! Can be used for more than just Pythagorean Theorem Easy for students and teachers to use Can be used in class Show off student work Can be used outside of class Get students to check answers by graphing or draw graphs with professional software
3. Pythagoras Strictly used to help understand the Pythagorean Theorem Puzzle-game that gives a proof of how the theorem works Must fit the pieces perfectly together in order to finish the puzzle Better (and more challenging) version offered for IPads only Phone version fun, but same puzzle over and over.
Summary I find interactive technologies to be the best way to reach students in this technology filled world. Without them becoming active participants in class, they lose focus and don’t understand the material as well as they could. It is extremely important for students to be hands-on in a math class and these types of technologies will definitely help with lessons within the classroom, and extra practice outside of the classroom. I have already found several that I plan on integrating into lessons very soon.
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