Stress is a feeling that's created when we react to particular events.
Distress vs. Eustress
The BAD kind of stress! DISTRESS Work/School Demands Death Car Troubles Financial issues Fighting with Friends
The GOOD stress! EUSTRESS Weddings Job promotion Having a new baby Purchasing a house The Holiday Season
Distress vs. Eustress The “dis” and the “eu” refer to the stressor. Nothing to do with the IMPACT of the stressor. Both equally taxing to the BODY
How does your body respond? STRESS How does your body respond? Emotionally Physically Cognitively Behaviorally
EMOTIONAL How does stress make you feel MENTALLY? Irritability Angry outbursts Depression Jealousy Withdrawal Anxiety Lack of interest/initiative Crying Nightmares Insomnia Reduction of personal involvement around others.
PHYSICAL How does stress make you feel PHYSICALLY? Faster heart beat Increased sweating Cool Skin Cold hands/feet Feeling Nausea “Butterflies” Tense Muscles Rapid Breathing Dry Mouth Desire to urinate Diarrhea Change in appetite Frequent colds
COGNITIVE How does stress make your brain feel? Worry Mood changes Anxiety Confusion Inability to concentrate Feeling ill Feeling out of control Mood changes Depression Lethargic Drinking Alcohol Smoking Relying on Meds Overwhelmed
BEHAVIORALLY How does stress make you ACT? Talking too loud Talking too fast Yawning Fidgeting Nail Biting Drumming fingers Being negative Forgetfulness Making mistakes Accident prone Neglecting appearance Pacing
STRESSOR tests Moving to a new house SHOWERING driver's test Events that provoke stress tests Moving to a new house SHOWERING driver's test Losing your keys Practice HOMEWORK Snow Storms
Something that causes stress based on your surroundings. Environmental STRESSOR Something that causes stress based on your surroundings.
Daily Stress Event STRESSOR Stress that comes from everyday activities.
Life Changes STRESSOR Major event that changes your life
School/Work Duties STRESSOR Stress that comes from work or school.