How the Eye works, how the eye is like a camera, and the parts of a camera
Iris Optic Nerve Pupil Iris Lens Retina Side view of the Eye pupil cornia Iris Lens Retina
Just like the pupil, An aperture is any space through which light passes in an optical or photographic instrument, especially the variable opening by which light enters a camera.
A known truth: The Path of Light is always straight A known truth: The Path of Light is always straight. A known truth: Objects reflect light in all directions Only the light going in the direction and then into the small opening in the eye is “seen” Side view of Eye The objects reflected light that travels into the aperture will be very few rays and very organized rays that of course travel straight, the aperture then has caused the image to be reversed side to side and upside down.
Fact: All objects appear upside down when reflected into/through an APERTURE. An Aperture is a small opening, the pupil is an aperture.
All cameras work like an eye All cameras work like an eye. The image will be upside down in the eye, but the brain will make us see it right side up.
Please bring in a box to make our pinhole camera Please bring in a box to make our pinhole camera! Boxes were due in the second week of school. If you bring in an extra box, there is extra credit for your project.
We will construct a Pin hole camera Remember this Proven Truth: Light travels in a straight line
Light-sensitive piece of paper will capture the light on the back of the box (like the retina of the eye)
We will use light sensitive paper on the back of the pinhole camera box to preserve the image that is projected there.
Parts of a typical Film Camera we will use
Parts of a typical Film Camera we will use aperture