Moderate-to-severe exacerbations for patients who experienced an exacerbation in the past year Network meta-analysis results for treatments compared with placebo. Moderate-to-severe exacerbations for patients who experienced an exacerbation in the past year Network meta-analysis results for treatments compared with placebo. The black horizontal lines represent the 95% CIs of the summary treatment effects BUDE, budesonide; FLUT, fluticasone; FORM, formoterol; INDAC, indacaterol; SALM, salmeterol; VILA, vilanterol; GLYC, glycopyrronium bromide; TIOT, tiotropium; FORM/BECLO, formoterol/beclomethasone; FORM/BUDE, formoterol/budesonide; VILA/FLUT, vilanterol/fluticasone; SALM/FLUT, salmeterol/fluticasone; TIOT/SALM, tiotropium/salmeterol; INDA/GLYC, indacaterol/glycopyrronium; TIOT/FLUT/SALM, tiotropium/fluticasone/salmeterol; TIOT/BUDE/FORM, tiotropium/budesonide/formoterol. Andrea C Tricco et al. BMJ Open 2015;5:e009183 ©2015 by British Medical Journal Publishing Group