Review of TDR Chapter 9 “Transition to Operations” John Weisend with thanks to A. Nordt, F. Plewinski, T. Shea
FINDINGS - 1 This chapter cover transitions to operations including: conventional facilities, accelerator, target systems, instruments and integrated controls This chapter also discusses schedule, organization & responsibilities and lessons learned from other facilities The chapter is 18 pages long and contains a significant number of tables and bulleted lists TDR Internal Review, Lund, October 2012
COMMENTS - 1 The chapter is generally well organized and clearly written (A number of English errors and typos require correction) The chapter (with the additions & corrections suggested below) meets the TDR mission statement The chapter is short (not a criticism) which would allow the addition of necessary material Terms such as reliability, availability and machine performance must be defined clearly and consistently throughout the TDR and this chapter. ESS may well be held to the values that we assign to these parameters so both their definitions and assigned values must be agreed upon at the the project level The inclusion of lessons learned from other other institutions is admirable TDR Internal Review, Lund, October 2012
COMMENTS - 2 Important additional material should be added to this chapter to make it complete. This material includes: Commissioning of Target System enabling facilities such as active cells, radiation labs, waste storage Commissioning of ICS (more detail promised for Nov. 1 draft), MPS, PPS,TSS (target safety system) and various control rooms Additional details on the deliverables of the conventional facilties. What capabilities will these facilities have when ready for occupancy? Additional details on Target System commissioning including organization, responsibilities & further details on low & high power commisioning- much of this detail has already be inserted into the marked up chapter TDR Internal Review, Lund, October 2012
COMMENTS - 3 The testing before installation section should be expanded to include information on any pre installation testing of the source, RFQ and DTL. Wherever possible, more quantative goals for the various commissioning activities should be listed. These goals provide the benchmark by which we decide that a given system is commissioned. Final wordsmithing to reduce the use of passive voice and use the correct tenses should be done. This chapter does not suffer too much from these issues. TDR Internal Review, Lund, October 2012
RECOMMENDATIONS Add in additional material on ICS,PPS,MPS,TSS and target system enabling facilities by the Nov 1st draft Add in additional detail on the conventional facility deliverables as appropriate by the Nov 1st draft Add in additional details on the testing before installation of the source, RFQ and DTL by the Nov 1st draft Correct minor English errors and typos by Nov 1st draft Develop consistent ESS wide definitions and values for terms such as availability, reliability and machine performance by the Dec 1st draft Consider the creation of a TDR wide glossary of terms to be used as an appendix and if one is desired, complete it by the Dec 1st draft Carry out a final activity of editing to correct any tense mistakes and reduce the use of passive voice by the Dec 1st draft TDR Internal Review, Lund, October 2012