So you’re going to be a Junior The How-To guide for forecasting version 2013
Forecasting Course selections for next school year Should complete your: Graduation Requirements Focused Program Requirements Should meet requirements for: OSAA NHS Chancellor’s/Honors Diploma Should prepare you for your: Post-High School plans
If You’re Involved In: OSAA Athletics or Activity Eligibility Must pass 5 classes from previous semester Must be enrolled in 5 classes at Glencoe Must have at least 9.5 credits at start of Junior year 2.0 GPA if any Fs National Honors Society Must be enrolled in 6 classes
Things to Consider Chancellors Diploma: Aligns with common 4-year university requirements 16 academic units – at least one extra! 3.4 GPA by end of senior year 2 credits of World Languages 26 total credits
Valedictorian or Saluditorian Things to Consider Honors Diploma Make sure you forecast for the classes you need! Must be enrolled in 6 classes 8 honors-eligible courses (see worksheet) 3 years of same World Language 3.5 GPA THROUGH senior year No Pass/fail on any honors eligible courses 26 total credits Valedictorian or Saluditorian Must earn Honors Diploma No pass/fail AT ALL Vals: 4.0 GPA Sals: 3.98 GPA (THROUGH senior year)
Planning for After High School Be realistic with your goals Consider your GPA, career plans, work ethic What do you need to do for that plan? Meet with your counselor or Mrs. Nova “Look good on paper” Whether you’re getting a job or getting into college, make a good impression with class choices and grades! Use your PLAN results to guide you New electives Focused Programs
Planning for After High School Military: Must have a standard diploma (modified diploma and/or GED will not work ASVAB test 2-year college: Will need to take placement tests in Reading, Writing and Math Remedial classes: not college-level, no college credit, but you will pay for them! ($$) Some programs require certain test scores to enroll Make sure to take classes this year to help with these skills Extra core-area classes Electives that will help you in these areas
Be college-ready! Things to Consider 4-Year College Requirements Aim for a 3.0+ GPA Oregon universities are 2.75+ Cs or better in all core classes Ds and/or Credit Recovery is not acceptable 2 credits of the same World Language Extra math and science beyond HS requirements Be college-ready!
Junior Requirements Language Arts: Math: Science: Social Studies: 1.0 credit (full-year) Math: Science: Social Studies: .5 credit (semester) Health
Junior Requirements Rest of schedule is electives: Up to 4.0 credits Full-year or semester Can include: Early release/late arrival Honors Tutorial (no credit) Study hall (no credit) AVID Be realistic – consider your overall load Multiple Honors/AP classes? Extracurricular activities or a job?
Reminders for Graduation (At least) 24 credits to graduate! Many different diplomas: Modified, Standard, Chancellor’s, Honors Ask yourself: Do I need Credit Recovery? State Testing: Must pass OAKS or have work samples in these subjects: Reading Writing Math
Reminders AP courses AP Science Courses No-Drop policy in place Information Night on Wednesday, April 10th. This is REQUIRED for students forecasting for AP courses. AP Science Courses Chemistry and Environmental Science available 2013-2014 Biology and Physics available 2014-2015
Glencoe Focused Programs Arts & Communication Fine Arts Graphic Arts Performance Arts Business & Management Accounting Marketing Engineering Health Services Human Services Early Childhood Education Social Services, Education & the Law (SEAL) Manufacturing & Design
Example Focused Program Courses Arts & Communication Choir, Band, Guitar, Drama, Tech Theater, Speech/Forensics Photography, Sculpture, Art, Journalism/Newspaper Graphic Design, Cartooning Business & Management Accounting, Personal Finance Marketing, Marketing Lab Computer Keyboarding, Computer Applications Engineering Principles of Engineering, Digital Electronics Programming 1, AP Computer Science
Example Focused Program Courses Health Services Health Services 1, Health Services 2, Health Occupations Human Services Child’s World, Child Development, Child Services 1 SEAL 1, Psychology, Sociology, You & the Law, AP Human Geography Manufacturing & Design Welding, Woodshop Drafting, Architectural Drafting
Forecasting Sheet Language Arts: 4.0 credits total for graduation Science: 3.0 credits total for graduation Social Studies: 3.0 credits total for graduation
Forecasting Sheet Math: 3.0 credits total for graduation Health: 1.0 credit total for graduation
Forecasting Sheet Electives: List in order of preference! Fill out ALL elective options and alternates! A/B sections Junior-level Focused Program courses
Forecasting Sheet Remember: Parent Signature! Due: Thursday/Friday, March 13th/14th! Will enter in computer lab with counselor help REQUIRED PARENT SIGNATURE _____________________________________ DATE ___________
Schedule Changes: Core class options: Will only occur for errors on your schedule – choose your courses wisely! Core class options: Should have had a presentation in your core classes about options for next year Math level will be recommended by current teacher
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