WA-ACTE Summer Conference The Davenport Grand Hotel | Spokane, WA CTE UPDATE WA-ACTE Summer Conference The Davenport Grand Hotel | Spokane, WA August 7-10, 2016 Lance Wrzesinski Program Supervisor Business/Marketing
Total Exams Passed –High Schools
Top 10 High Schools Overall For 2015-16 Academic Year As of June 30, 2016
Schools with Students who have achieved MOS Master Certifications in 2015-16 Total Master Certifications – High Schools 378
Total Uploads, Exams Passed and Exam Comparisons – Middle Schools 2015-16 Data Updated as of June 30, 2016
Microsoft Imagine Academy Training
Computer Science State Standards Recommendation has been received from the standards committee. Approval of Washington State Computer Standards – January 2018 Projected Implementation 2018 -19 If you are interested in being a part of the adoption process or the implementation process after the January adoption; please contact our new K12 Computer Science Supervisor: Shannon Thissen shannon.thissen@k12.wa.us 360-725-6092
KEN EMMIL Assistant Superintendent Career and College Readiness DIANE GARD Executive Assistant KELLI BENNETT Certification JILL PILBRO Program Assistant BARBARA DITTRICH Advanced Placement MONICA TRABUE Program Assistant GEORGE ASZKLAR CTE Director KIM HOSS Program Assistant LANCE WRZESINSKI Business & Marketing / Microsoft Imagine DEIFI STOLZ Career and Technical Education / Methods of Administration MARY NAGEL Family & Consumer Science / Financial Literacy DENNIS WALLACE Skilled & Technical Sciences JONATHAN JACKSON Grants & Innovative Programs REBECCA WALLACE Agriculture Science CLARENCE DANCER STEM Education DENISE MILESON GRADS Teen Parent Program MARIANNA GOHEEN Health Science MARY KANIKEBERG Jobs for Washington’s Graduates
OSPI Vision Every student ready for career, college, and life. Performance Indicators for Career and College Readiness Increased Graduation Rate of CTE Completers Improve the access to, quality of, and quantity of Career and Technical Education programs, and associated Career and Technical Student Organizations which results in a high level of student engagement, and preparation for lifelong learning and employment through the development of adaptable skills and knowledge, and increased retention and graduation rates. Technical Skill Certifications Through increase course equivalency options, students will have an additional pathway to learn and understand the required information need to pass assessments as well as be college, career, and life ready through CTE educational offerings. Course Equivalency Increase technical skill certificates awarded to students through Career and Technical Education, ensuring the credentials earned are valued, validated by local business, the Washington State Labor Market, and lead to careers, post-secondary education and training.
2016-17 CTE Grants Due Date iGrant Form Package Grant Title Launched Yes or No 9/30/2016 214 Perkins (5-Year) Application Plan (Consortium) No 215 Perkins (5-Year) Application Plan (District Package) Yes 274 Perkins (5-Year) Application Plan (Skills Centers Only) 11/2/2016 388 Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO-Federal) 392 Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO-State) YES 10/6/2016 414 Career and Technical Education (High Demand) 10/13/2016 424 FIRST Robotics Competition 1/4/2017 449 Washington Applied Math Council (WAMC) 12/21/2016 461 Non-Traditional Fields Competitive Grant 477 Perkins End-of-Year Report All Requested OSPI Approval iGrant submissions are due by 4 p.m.
2016-17 CTE Grants Due Date iGrant Form Package Grant Title Launched Yes or No 10/13/2016 545 STEM Lighthouse Awards Yes 550 Jobs for Washington’s Graduates (selected districts only) No 8/11/2016 605 FIRST Lego 606 FIRST Tech Challenge 12/30/2016 648 Career and Technical Education/Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration - Selected Institutions 9/23/2016 656 Advanced Placement Computer Science Initiative 8/4/2016 658 Project Lead the Way Professional Development (selected districts only) 9/27/2016 668 Aerospace/Manufacturing Technical Programs and Aerospace Manufacturing Programs 10/6/2016 669 Project Lead the Way Advanced Programs All Requested OSPI Approval iGrant submissions are due by 4 p.m.
CTE Model Leadership/21st Century Skills CTSO Career and College Readiness Certified Teachers Carl Perkins Classroom Instruction / Theory Shop / Lab Hands On / Project Based Technical Skills / Soft Skills Framework Academic Alignment Industry Standards CTSO Leadership/21st Century Skills Advisory Committees Districtwide Plans Extended Learning Outside of the Classroom Community Outreach Community Service
Course/Program Re-Approvals Professional development will be provided throughout the year. The districts are to keep updated frameworks on file. The frameworks need to be updated to the most current standards, i.e., Industry and Academic (Washington State Learning Standards).
CTE Program Re-Approval Five-Year Cycle Submission Window Opens Group January 2016 January 2017 January 2018 January 2019 January 2020 January 2021 January 2022 1 Agriculture Statewide re-approval process suspended. The districts are to keep updated frameworks on file. Skilled and Technical Sciences STEM Health Sciences Family and Consumer Sciences Business and Marketing 2 3 4 5 No Group 5
District Grouping of Re-Approvals
WA State Auditor’s Office (SAO) SAO is analyzing student outcomes and data and interviewing selected school districts and their program partners to learn more about innovative approaches that are being used to develop and sustain existing CTE programs. The goal is to provide practices that school districts can use to help inform them about approaches that have been successful in and out of state and may potentially benefit their district. The Secondary CTE Outcomes Performance Audit will seek to answer the following: What are the education and employment outcomes of Washington secondary students who concentrate in our complete a CTE program? Are secondary CTE course offerings aligned with state, regional and local workforce needs? Are there leading practices that could be identified and shared to increase the success of other program providers? http://www.sao.wa.gov/state/Documents/Workforce_Development_audit_description.pdf
WA State Auditor’s Office (SAO) The compliance audits will focus on the following three areas: Does the CTE course have current approval by OSPI? Is the teacher WA State CTE certificated? Does the CTE endorsement tie to the CTE course they are teaching? Do the CIP Codes align with the V Codes?
CTE Statewide Course Equivalencies
CTE Statewide Course Equivalencies
CTE Statewide Course Equivalencies
CTE Statewide Course Equivalencies Math & Science Multiple Equivalencies English & Multiple Equivalencies
CTE Student Leadership
CTE Student Leadership
Two-For-One The “two-for-one” policy is a rule change (WAC 180-51-067) in effect for students in the graduating class of 2016. Students who take CTE- equivalent courses may satisfy two graduation requirements while earning one credit for a single course; hence, “two-for-one.” The purpose of this policy is to create flexibility for students to choose more elective courses or to address other graduation requirements. A CTE-equivalent course consists of two courses: one CTE, one academic. One of those courses is placed on the student’s transcript for credit. Students generally choose which course they want placed on the transcript, and this choice is driven by their High School and Beyond Plan. This practice will remain the same. Under the rule in effect through the class of 2015, WAC 180-51-066, the student earns one credit and satisfies one graduation requirement.
Two-For-One The new policy will permit the second course to be “checked off” as a “met requirement” by local counseling staff. Which course is put on the transcript and which one is locally “checked off” will continue to be determined by the student, based on their post high school goals. The total number of credits the student needs to graduate will not change. Districts will continue to use a locally-developed process to enable the record-keeping needed to assure that all requirements have been met. Currently, the standardized transcript does not track the types of credits applied to courses.
Dual-Credit 125% credit rule for financial aid. Tech Prep serves students in grades 9-12. All Tech Prep dual credit classes are taken on the high school campus and are identified as Career and Technical Education (CTE) classes. CTE classes integrate academics with technical skill development to help prepare students for advanced education and careers related to "professional-technical" occupations. 125% credit rule for financial aid. The rule establishes the maximum timeframe for state financial aid eligibility, meaning that the recipients must have completed less than 125 percent of the maximum length of their program in order to remain eligible for financial aid such as the State Need Grant (the maximum length for Federal financial aid is 150%). I’m attaching a link to the Running Start document that explains the rule with examples on page 3: https://www.sbctc.edu/resources/documents/colleges-staff/programs-services/running-start/2015-rs-faqs.pdf
Precision Exams OSPI and Precision Exams have partnered to deliver standardized CTE assessments statewide This partnership will enable our CTE programs to effectively and affordably provided industry assessments for every student in 150-plus CTE course areas It also give our schools positive standards-based tools for program evaluation and improvement Contact: Adam Sanchez Website: www.precisionexams.com Email: asanchez@precisionexams.com Phone: 801-850-9883
Exam Growth in 2015-16 Basic Digital Photography – Delivered 6,786 Exams This General Financial Literacy – In first year implementation 46% of students earn a Washington State Skills Certificate It Welding Technician, Entry – 48% of students earn a Washington State Skills Certificate compared to 25% in 2014-15 school year Computer Programming IB Java – Over all student growth increased from 6% in 2014-15 to 21% in 2015-16 Exercise Science/Sports Medicine – Increased from 1,145 delivered in 2014-15 to 2,699 in 2015-16
21St Century Success Skills First year growth from pre to post by standard. Standard Personal Success Traits Research Reason Relate Results Overall Pre-Test 67% 44% 55% 53% 56% 59% Post-Test 76% 51% 63% 61% 65% 67% Average improvement in overall scores and pass rates from year one to year two is 12%!
STEM Professional Development STEM Renewal Requirement for CTE Teachers (RCW 28A.410.2212): At least 15 clock hours, or one-half of one annual professional growth plan (PGP), must have an emphasis on STEM integration for ALL CTE Instructors. This requirement applies to certificates being renewed starting in 2019. What Does STEM PD Require: The learning or activity must demonstrate authentic integration of 2 of the following 4 elements: science, technology, engineering and/or math. For more information, contact Clarence “CJ” Dancer clarence.dancer@k12.wa.us or 360-725-4467.
Tentative Training Dates at the Puget Sound Skill Center: AP/CTE Training AP/CTE training opportunities will be held in the following areas: Computer Science Economics Tentative Training Dates at the Puget Sound Skill Center: December 7, 2016 February 15, 2017 March 22, 2017 Barbara Dittrich Mary Nagel 360-725-6097 360-725-6242 barbara.dittrich@k12.wa.us mary.nagel@k12.wa.us
MOA Civil Rights Onsite Reviews PURPOSE of the MOA Program: To ensure ALL students enjoy equal access to CTE programs, services and activities regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability. The 2016-17 school year will consist of the following onsite visits: 6 School Districts (TBD with notifications in September) For more information, contact Deifi Stolz deifi.stolz@k12.wa.us or 360-725-6254. website: www.k12.wa.us/CareerTechEd/CivilRights.aspx
Graduation, Reality, and Dual-role Skills (GRADS) Graduation, Reality And Dual-role Skills (GRADS) is a program for pregnant teens and/or young parents that focus on work and family foundation skills of significance to these students. GRADS programs include student demonstration of skills leading to high school graduation and economic independence. For more information, contact Denise Mileson denise.mileson@k12.wa.us or 360-725-0417.
For more information, contact Mary Kanikeberg Jobs for Washington Graduates are part of Jobs for America’s Graduates: One million strong and growing. Washington became a member of JAG in 2010. The JAG model targets various groups of students: middle school, alternative, multi-year, or senior application for all high school students, and an out-of-school program for students who have separated from and want to re-enter school. How does JAG work? In the JAG model, the goal for each student is three-fold: 1. Graduation, 2. Job placement, 3. Post-secondary training, education, military service, internship. JWG is improving graduation rates for student’s with multiple barriers and teaching job readiness skills as they leave high school. For more information, contact Mary Kanikeberg JWG@k12.wa.us or 360-725-4964.
Program of Study A coordinated, non-duplicative progression of courses that align secondary education with post-secondary education to adequately prepare students to enter into postsecondary education, an apprenticeship, and/or employment. Ideally it is recommended students take an exploratory course prior to taking preparatory courses.
Certification Kelli Bennett kelli.bennett@k12.wa.us CTE Conditionals, CTE Probationary, CTE Initial and Renewals, CTE Continuing and Renewals, and CTE Director and Renewals are all available online. The CTE Counselor, Occupational Information Specialist and renewals are paper applications that must be sent to OSPI with the $40 fee. Paper applications are on the Certification website. Download the application(s), print, and complete. If you have submitted your application prior to June 30, 2016 you have met the deadline for submission. Any “Rush Requests” for start of school, email Kelli directly. Effective August 1, 2016 The Certification office will no longer mail printed certificates to educators. Official certificates are now available for educators to print through the E-Certification system. Kelli Bennett kelli.bennett@k12.wa.us CTE & Certification Specialist www.k12.wa.us/certification/CTEMain.aspx 360-725-6400
Probationary CTE Certificate Probationary Certificate as Coordinator of Worksite Learning The candidate must have: Must hold a CTE probationary, Initial or Continuing certificate in a program area other than Worksite Learning and/or Career Choices. WAC 181-77-068 Worksite Learning and Career Choices Completed a course in coordination techniques. Demonstrate competency in the CTE teacher preparation specialty standards (WAC 181-77A-180). http://www.k12.wa.us/certification/CTE/Probationary.aspx
Computer Science HB 1813 State will adopt Computer Science Standards Provide professional development resources for educators PESB shall develop a Computer Science Endorsement For more information, contact Clarence “CJ” Dancer clarence.dancer@k12.wa.us or 360-725-4467.
Work-Based Learning Instructional vs. Cooperative Work-Based Learning Approved Certification / V Codes List of Approved Providers Appropriate Endorsements Appropriate CIP Codes Scope of Practice/Health Science See the 2012 Work-Site Learning Manual For more information, contact Lance Wrzesinski lance.wrzesinski@k12.wa.us or 360-725-6258.
Washington State Graduation Rates 2014-15 School Year CTE Completers are secondary students that have completed 360 hours within a single locally determined program area.
Perkins Total Allocation to Washington State Local Distributions to Districts * These are preliminary estimates and not yet confirmed by the Feds. Requirements to Receiving Final Approval to 2016-17 Perkins Application District’s End of Year Report (iGrants FP 477) District Perkins Performance Improvement Plan Perkins Timeline | July 1, 2016 – August 31, 2017 Jonathan Jackson| jonathan.Jackson@k12.wa.us | 360-725-6253
Perkins Application Timeline APPLICATION LAUNCH August 15, 2016* Perkins 5-Year Plan (Form Packages 214, 215, 274) APPLICATION DEADLINE September 30, 2016** OSPI will review your application WITHIN 45 DAYS and either approve or request changes LEA must respond to requested changes WITHIN 30 DAYS of receipt of request for changes*** OSPI will issue final approval/rejection WITHIN 15 DAYS of receipt of final submission (incorporating requested changes) *The launch date is contingent upon notification of final award amount from the Secretary of Education **LEAs will have a minimum of 45 calendar days from the launch date to complete their application. ***The process of responding to changes may require some ongoing communication. Please note that this "back-and-forth" process needs to be completed within the allotted 30 days.
Shelter donations will help communities address the growing issue of homelessness.
谢谢 Arigato Thank You! Mahalo Danke GRACIAS Merci