PULASKI TEACHER EFFECTIVENESS AND MENTORING (TEAM) SESSION #1 Amy Polston Angela Murphy Pulaski County Schools August 2016
Welcome to Pulaski County Schools Mr. Butcher, Superintendent Mr. Patrick Richardson, Assistant Superintendent Ms. Sonya Wilds, Assistant Superintendent
Pulaski Teacher Effectiveness And Mentoring (TEAM I) 2 year support for teachers new to Pulaski County Schools Meeting Schedule – Please review and put on calendar Expectations for attendance
MIX – PAIR - SHARE Write on your Dry Erase Boards 3 things about yourself: What school and content/grade level will you be teaching this school year Something about your family Something Unique about you Mix until music stops, raise hand, High 5 with nearest person. (no me and my shadow or drive-bys) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_izvAbhExY 30 seconds to share . Person w/shortest hair goes first. Repeat Pair with another pair…
Shelley Todd Johnny Phelps Visit SchoolWorks Shelley Todd Johnny Phelps
Think – Write – Round Robin Take 2 minutes and list characteristics of professionalism Stand and Round robin sharing 1 If it is on your list, check it off If it is not on your list, add it Sit down when your list is exhausted Keep going round robin until everyone in your group is sitting “3” share one characteristic that was given in your group that was not on your list
Characteristics of Professionalism Preparation Teaching is not an 8:00-3:30 profession Punctuality Reliability Lack of supervision is a “personal” liability Ethics Professional Boundaries Social Media Professional Dress Attitude You are the average of the 5 people you hang around most Attendance and sick days
District Resources District Web page School Calendar Board Policies Curriculum Pages 2016-17 TEAM Schedule Professional Development – 24 hours required CIITS November 7th Required PD Day (Test Analysis)
Todd Whitaker What Great Teachers Do Differently 17 Things that Matter Most (book study) Why Do WE Care About Great? *follow on Twitter Sign Up for Chapter – Sp Ed will not participate in this book study.
CIITS How to set up a CIITS Account Must have district email and account in Infinite Campus HOMEWORK – Get your CIITS Account activated. For assistance email: amy.polston@pulaski.kyschools.us angela.murphy@pulaski.kyschools.us
Have A GREAT School Year!!!