For the week of February 4-8, 2013 Kindergarten Newsletter Mrs. Leland’s Class For the week of February 4-8, 2013 Language Arts Focus: This week, we will introduce the letters (L and R). During stations this week we will practice identifying our new popcorn words as well as all of the popcorn words we have learned so far. We will also read books to help practice our popcorn words. We will be working with CVC words and the short vowel sounds they contain. Please make sure to practice reading each night. The more they read a book, the more fluent they become in their reading. Thanks! This week the children will enter into our Valentine’s Day theme. We will be doing many “cupcake” themed activities to get our sweet teeth ready to go for Valentine’s Day! This will include working on diagraphs. This is something we struggled with last week. Please discuss this concept with your child at home! Ch, sh, th, and wh are all sounds they should be able to say, recognize, and be able to write when prompted. We will continue to write in our journals, or on “special” paper. Remember that when your child is writing, it is ok that words are not spelled correctly. They are using their sounds to spell words. Review “Popcorn Words” here, go, from, not Math Focus: This week in math we will continue to practice showing how to make the teen numbers. This is an important skill to help the children learn how many 10s and 1s are in a given number. You can also have the children tell you how many tens and ones are in a given number. For some added difficulty, give them the number of 10s and 1s and see if they can figure out the number. We will be introducing the concept of skip counting by 2, 5, and 10. You can help at home by skip counting every night with your child. For example, 2, 4, 6, 8…, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 10, 20, 30, 40…. Make sure to keep using the 100s number chart for added practice! Notes from Mrs. Leland: Calendar Notes: Friday, Feb. 8: Movie Night 6:00 Thursday, February 14: Valentine’s Day Party Friday, February 15-18: Mid-Winter Break (Friday the 15th is also a snow make up day. If we have a cancelled school day between then and now, we will go to school on Friday) February is here and spring is supposedly on it’s way! Keep up the great work on the homework! I have been VERY impressed with the completed homework folders as of lately! Thank you parents for your support with this! The PTO is collecting Valentine candy or monetary donations for the Valentine party. If you send in money, please make a note on the envelope. Thank you! If you would like to volunteer for our Valentine’s Day Party let me know! I will give your name to the appropriate kindergarten parent! FYI: 2 Hour Delay Time: 10:40 – 3:40 Contact Information: Room: 205 Phone: 839-4802 ext 205 E-mail: Website:
Special Class Schedule Monday: Music Tuesday: Gym Wednesday: Library Thursday: Art Friday: Music