Title: Would you be a Spy? Ch 7.1: The Mauryan Empire of India CLASSWORK 2/2/19
A cyborg dragonfly! Government means of surveillance continue to get more and more advanced – you’ve been bugged!
The Situation You are a weaver working at your loom when a stranger enters your shop. You fear it is one of the emperor’s inspectors, coming to check the quality of your cloth. The man eyes you sternly and then, in a whisper, asks if you will spy on other weavers in your neighborhood. If you take the job you will be paid the equivalent of 4 years earnings. But you would have to turn in one of your friends, whom you suspect is not paying enough sales tax to the government.
Spying: Examine the Issues Answer the following Qs in your Ntbk Do citizens have the responsibility to turn in people who are committing crimes? WHY? Explain your answer – give reasons. What kind of tensions might exist in a society where people spy on each other? Explain Is it right for a government to control people by spying on them? Why? / Why Not?
Issue Q #1 Do citizens have the responsibility to turn in people who are committing crimes? Mr F’s Ans: YES! Being a citizen means you need to take responsibility, its like voting, if you don’t do YOUR PART, don’t complain (about crime)! Follow up Q: If you know someone has committed a crime and you don’t tell anyone about it, are you helping the criminal?
Issue Q #2 What kind of tensions might exist in a society where people spy on each other? Tension = Stress Possible Answer: No Trust, no privacy, people lying and making up “dirt” just to get rid of someone they don’t like or agree with. Follow up Qs: How would you react if you knew someone was spying on you? Would you be able to trust anyone?
Issue Q #3 Is it right for a government to control people by spying on them? To Control by spying – NO – but if citizens don’t act responsibly – what choice is there? Follow Up Q: When a government spies on its own people, is it a violation of their rights? Is it Constitutional?
The 4th Amendment (US Constitution) The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated…
Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4160106/The-GM-cyborg-dragonflies-spy-you.html