All about drawing - Tone
What is tone? What is tone in music? What is tone in a story? What is tone in Art? We are going to be learning about Tones in drawing – how to make something light or dark, how to show highlights and shadows, how to show textures and reflections. Make depth and create shapes. How does this relate to the other types of tone mentioned above?
Activity 1 In the first strip you must go from black to white using cross hatching In the second strip you must go from black to white using gestural lines In the third strip you must go from black to white shading as carefully and gently as possible It is important that you learn to control your pencil, look at Mr. Hebden and how carefully he is keeping inside the boxes. You must think about the pressure that you use – for the darkest boxes you must press down as hard as possible, and for the lightest boxes you should be just dragging your pencil across your page so lightly, using no pressure at all.
Homework Complete these tonal shading exercise’s for homework, you can print out this page and stick it in your skectbook’s
Activity 2 By using tone, we can make shapes look 3-D by using shadows and highlights. Before we start shading, lets practice drawing the 5 most common shapes. The guide below will help you make them look 3-D. Why didn’t I include the Sphere in the guide below?
After practicing, I would like you to make your own composition of 4 objects. You will be marked on how well you draw the objects, the range of tones you use, and how carefully you blend them together.
Assessment Piece - Tone On the following 3 slides, you will see some black and white photographs – but half of the photo has been removed! You have to choose one of the images, print out the slide from the PPT, and draw the missing half of the picture. You must include as much detail as possible. Your finished drawings should probably not contain any white space (maybe only small details or highlights) This is your third assessed drawing piece, before you start your final end of unit drawing – look at the levels so that you know exactly what to do to achieve the mark you want. Look at the target you set yourself at the end of your last drawing – did you achieve this yet?
Pick this picture if you found the work on tone that we have done so quite difficult Complete the work in your sketchbook. Stick the thumbnail example next to your final work.
Pick this picture if you feel confident imagining some extra details! Complete the work in your sketchbook. Stick the thumbnail example next to your final work.
Pick this picture if you want to give yourself a real challenge! Complete the work in your sketchbook. Stick the thumbnail example next to your final work.
I can make a tonal scale and go from dark to light with no problems A Levels – print out this page, complete it and stick it in your sketchbooks To calculate your overall level, please find the average number and letter grade from the 3 sections Level 4 5 6 7 I can make a tonal scale and go from dark to light with no problems A I can build up tone in different ways, and I can control the pressure of my pencil quite well. I can show shadows naturally. I can show a full range of tones in my drawings. Tones blend into each other smoothly. I understand shadows and highlights I can control the tones in my drawing easily. I blend my tones so well its hard to see pencil lines. The shadows and highlights in my work give my drawing depth and detail. B C I can explain what tone is I can talk about my work and the work of my friends using unit keywords I can explain the meaning behind my work and other people work I can explain how and why I have made work and how other people have done so. I use ideas that I talk about to improve my work. I can change and improve my work and keep my sketchbook organised and neat I can analyze and comment on the images in my sketchbook My sketchbook is colourful and well organised, and I use it to experiment with my own ideas as well. My sketchbook contains my own ideas and experiments and I use these to improve my project. I have calculated that my work so far in this unit is level _______. What went well so far… What will I try and improve during the rest of the unit…..