Reading/Comprehension *Story Comprehension: Wit & Wisdom (Arts based) Characters, setting, events, problem, solution, main idea & details, etc. *Reading & Responding to Text Students will listen to and discuss stories daily with peers. Fiction and non-fiction stories will be used based on the module unit theme. Students will respond to texts daily through writing and other forms of assessment. Students will ask and answer questions to help them better understand a text. NOTICE and WONDER are key words for each lesson to help students make connections between their thinking and what the text is telling them. *Reading Strategies In small group settings – Guided reading groups Memorize Sight Words DRA Reading Levels: End of the Year Goal: Fountas & Pinnell Level C/D
CKLA Core Knowledge Language Arts *Phonemic Awareness: Listening to sounds, letters and words Stretching out sounds in words Identifying first sounds in words AND stretching out sounds in words ORAL and VERBAL *Phonics: Identifying letters by sound and name Blending letters to read words VISUAL *Handwriting Practice: Formation of letters correctly and on the lines
Writing *Pencil grip *Writing conventions *Complete thoughts *Handwriting / Correct Letter Formation *Narratives *Opinion Pieces *Informative/Explanatory Texts
Math Eureka Math Curriculum *Number Sense: Number Bond, Five Frame, Ten Frame, Hide Zero Cards, Five Group, etc. *Addition: Number Sentence, More, Together, etc. *Subtraction Number Sentence, Less, Take Away, etc. *Measurement & Data: length Taller, Shorter, Capacity, More, Less, etc. *Geometry: shapes & attributes 2D, 3D, Shape Names, etc.
Science & Social Studies http://www. louisianabelieves *Embedded throughout the curriculum, especially in reading comprehension and writing. *Examples: Native Americans, 5 Senses, Plants, Lifecycles, Community Helpers, Economics, etc. *Based off the Louisiana State Standards for science and social studies. *Manners of the Heart: Social and emotional interactions with peers
Contact Information *E-Mail Addresses and Websites: Class Dojo *BRCVPA office: (225) 344-0084 *BRCVPA website: . Thank you for coming!