MyPlate and Food Labels
My Plate MyPlate is a tool designed to remind Americans to eat healthy. MyPlate illustrates the five food groups using a familiar mealtime visual, a place setting.
Key Messages Foods to Increase Foods to Reduce Nutrient Dense foods instead of Calorie Dense foods. Use a rainbow of fruits and veggies. Whole grains Low fat milk Balancing Calories Enjoy your food but watch your portion sizes! Foods to Increase Make half your plate fruits & vegetables. Make at least half your grains whole grains. Switch to low-fat (1%) or fat-free (skim) milk. Foods to Reduce Choose foods that have less sodium. Drink water instead of soda or “sugary” drinks.
Some Things To Know SOLID FATS ADDED SUGAR SALT (SODIUM) Saturated fat & trans fat heart disease Replace with healthy unsaturated fat ADDED SUGAR Sugar adds calories weight gain Choose water, 100% juice and fruit for dessert SALT (SODIUM) Raises blood pressure hypertension Processed foods, fast food, frozen meals Season with spices and herbs instead of salt.
So What Can I Have? All the time any time! Eh, sometimes..
What Should I Be Looking At? Look at food labels to help you make better choices in what you are consuming! Check for calories. Look at the serving size and how many servings you are actually consuming. Choose foods with lower calories, saturated fat, trans fat, and sodium. Check for added sugars using the ingredients list.
Questions So what does your diet look like compared to what it should look like? What foods are you eating that you shouldn’t be? What small changes can you make to your diet?