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Presentation transcript:

PROGETTO BANDIERA RITMARE SP ’SISTEMI OSSERVATIVI‘ - WP3.AZ2 CORSICA-YOYO, SICILY P.I. & Institution: K. Schroeder, CNR-ISMAR Data Manager: J. Chiggiato, M. Borghini Participants: S. Sparnocchia, S. Aracri, A. Vetrano

Current Status of the Observatory/Mooring Corsica Channel: Two deployments (jun13-oct13 and nov14-mar15) with yoyo. The third one is running since August 2015. Real time transmitted data are sent to MONGOOS. On October 2013, a pCO2 sensor was installed at 400m, but produced wrong data, apparently due to an overheating of the probe during sampling or, as alternate hypothesis, a malfunctioning of the external pump. Trying to solve with CONTROS. Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015

Current Status of the Observatory/Mooring Sicily Channel: we have made two trial periods with the yoyo also here, but there are issues with the strong currents (strong inclination of the mooring line, yoyo struggling with profiling and surfacing) . So now the moorings are providing data only in delayed mode  will be sent to MONGOOS soon C01 C02 C02 -210 m C01 Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015

Scientific and Technological Results CORSICA Examples of data collected: yoyo profiles and ADCP data The yoyo data has been to MONGOOS, in RT or in DM in case of transmission problems Corr: U and V apr-2014 to nov-2014 Yoyo data Jun13-Oct13 (Aracri et al., 2014) Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015

Scientific and Technological Results Bin#10 = 250 m Scientific and Technological Results C01 Examples of data collected: currents and T The data will soon be sent to MONGOOS, even in delayed mode (6-months interval) Temp@415 m Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015 C01: U and V nov-2012 to jun-2013

Data Management (1) Real Time Sensors/parameters: yoyo data (T, S, DO, Chla, turbidity) Data formats availability: netCDF Manuals used for quality control: SBE manuals (manufacturer) Data depository: MONGOOS Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015

Data Management (2) Delayed Mode Sensors/parameters: T, S from Microcats, Currents from ADCPs Data formats availability: ascii for Microcat data, netCDF for ADCP data Manuals used for the quality control: SBE manuals and the “Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Data Processing System” of the U.S. Geological Survey Data repository: local, soon the DM data transmission to MONGOOS will be set up Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015

Dissemination CIESM 2013, EMSO Conference, RITMARE workshop, Altifloat Workshop, 2015 EGU Conference Submitted paper to Journal of Operational Oceanography: Aracri, Borghini, Canesso, Chiggiato, Durante, Schroeder, Sparnocchia, Vetrano, Honda, Kitawaza, Kawahara, Nakamura. Trials of an autonomous profiling buoy system. Observatory webpage and repository: Yoyo data available from CMEMS: (WMO number 6101020) Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015

Problems/Issues to be raised Some transmission issues with yoyo in high currents conditions pCO2 probe has malfunctioning that needs to be fixed by the manufacturer Bureaucratic problems, because C01 and C02 are in the Tunisian EEZ Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015

Future Vision Data repository: Data processing: The RT data transmission should become more automatized soon the DM data transmission to MONGOOS will be set up on a 6-months basis Data processing: The processing has to be become more standardized (human resources issue) International cooperation: The C01 and C02 moorings are in Tunisian waters  CNR ISMAR and INSTM are preparing a Memorandum of Understanding for sharing responsabilities and data coming from these moorings. Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015