Exemptions From Industrial and Hazardous Waste Permitting Requirements Chris Shaw, P.E. Industrial and Hazardous Waste Permits Section May 15, 2018 Slide 1 Conditions for Exemption From the Industrial and Hazardous Waste Permitting Process. Presented by Chris Shaw, P.E., Industrial and Hazardous Waste Permits Section.
Regulations for Management of Industrial and Hazardous Waste Federal 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 260-265 www.ecfr.gov State 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 335 http://www.sos.state.tx.us/tac/index.shtml Slide 2 <Alt Text – graphic on theme back ground is of a room of file boxes> 40 Code of Federal Regulations, or CFR, Parts 260-265. 30 Texas Administrative Code, or TAC, Chapter 335. The Texas Administrative Code has adopted most of what is in the Code of Federal Regulations. Easiest way to access a regulation is by using GOOGLE.com (e.g. search for 30 TAC 335). The CFR is located here: www.ecfr.gov The 30 TAC is located here: http://www.sos.state.tx.us/tac/index.shtml
Exclusions and Exemptions Not All Waste Management Activities and/or Facilities Need a Permit Slide 3 Exclusions and Exemptions Not All Waste Management Activities and/or Facilities Need a Permit. Only approximately 1% of hazardous waste generators in Texas are permitted.
Definitions, Exclusions, and Exemptions Solid waste (40 CFR §261.2) Hazardous waste (40 CFR §261.3) Exclusions from definition of solid waste (40 CFR §261.4) Slide 4 You need to know what type of waste is being managed. Are Solid Wastes and/or Hazardous Wastes being Managed? Definition of a Solid Waste. 40 CFR, Part 261.2 Definition of a Hazardous Waste. 40 CFR, Part 261.3 Exclusion from definition of solid waste. 40 CFR, Part 261.4 which are exclusions applying to materials.
Exemptions From the Requirements For a Permit Applies to specific: Waste management activities Waste management units Waste management facilities Slide 5 Exemptions from the Requirements for a Permit. Exemptions that apply to a specific type of waste management activity. Exemptions that apply to a specific type of waste management unit. Exemptions that apply to a specific type of waste management facility. If you are exempt you will not need a hazardous waste permit. You may still need to register with the TCEQ. Registration and Permitting are different!
Exemptions that Apply to a Specific Type of Waste Management Activity Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQGs) Small Quantity Generators (SQGs) Satellite storage On-site storage treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste Universal waste Slide 6 Exemptions that apply to a specific type of waste management activity. Conditionally exempt small quantity generator (CESQGs). Small quantity generator (SQGs). Satellite Storage. On-site storage, treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste. Universal Waste.
Exemptions that Apply to a Specific Type of Waste Management Activity (continued) Emergency response clean-up Treatability studies Farmers disposing of pesticides Adding absorbent material to a container Slide 7 Exemptions that apply to a specific type of waste management activity (continued). Emergency response clean-up. Treatability studies. Farmers disposing of pesticides. Adding absorbent material to a container.
Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQG) ≤ 100 kgs hazardous waste/month ≤ 1 kg acutely hazardous waste/month ≤ 1000 kgs total in storage Slide 8 Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator, or CESQG: Generates up to 100 kilograms hazardous waste per month Generates up to 1 kilogram acutely hazardous waste per month Allowed up to 1000 kilograms total in storage Do not need to register with the agency. Wastes may go to a permitted Municipal Waste Landfill (similar to household hazardous waste), no manifests, no reporting of waste volumes. Some on-site storage allowed.
Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator CESQG hazardous wastes not subject to regulation or RCRA notification requirements 30 TAC 335.2(e) Slide 9 Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators, or CESQGs. CESQG hazardous wastes are not subject to regulation or RCRA notification requirements 30 TAC Chapter 335.2(e) – Permit Required RCRA – Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Common question about CESQGs, “What happens if I go over the 100 kg in a month due to a clean-up or turnaround of the facility?” Use a TCEQ-00757 form to report one time shipment, obtain a temporary Solid Waste Registration Number from Registration and Reporting, complete a Manifest, must transport by registered/licensed carrier of hazardous waste, waste must go to hazardous waste storage/treatment/disposal site, Facility becomes a Small Quantity Generator until they show that this was a one time event. (roughly 3 months of non-reportable quantities). At end of year subject to Annual Reporting. May occur at a later time as well? -- same procedure.
Small Quantity Generator (SQG) 100 - 1000 kgs hazardous waste/month Storage up to 180 days Storage up to 270 days if disposal facility > 200 miles away Slide 10 Small Quantity Generator, or SQG: 100-1000 kilograms hazardous waste per month May store waste up to 180 days, If Small Quantity Generator will ship to disposal facility greater than 200 miles away, then allowed 270 days storage Need to register with the agency. Handbook for Small Quantity Generators is located here: http://www.tceq.texas.gov/publications/rg/rg-234.html/at_download/file
Small Quantity Generator (continued) Storage ≤ 6,000 kg of hazardous waste at any given time – Any more than this and the SQG will be required to have an interim status or a permit for storage (become subject to RCRA permitting requirements) Also, see less than 90 day storage Slide 11 Small Quantity Generator, or SQG: If a SQG stores more than 6000 kilograms of hazardous waste on-site, they become subject to RCRA permitting requirements, if the SQG violates the storage limit they or they have to meet LQG requirements
Small Quantity Generator Requirements Training plan not required Ensure employees are familiar with waste and its management Record-keeping required for 3 years Must have emergency coordinator, emergency response plan, and post emergency information Slide 12 Small Quantity Generator, or SQG: A training plan is not required, but SQG must ensure that employees are familiar with the waste and its management. Record-keeping is still required, such as copies of Manifests, copies of Biennial Report and Exception Report for three years.
Small Quantity Generator Regulations 30 TAC 335.69(f), (g) and (h) Slide 13 Small Quantity Generators, or SQGs. 30 TAC Chapter 335.69(f), (g) and (h) – Accumulation Time
Satellite Storage May accumulate ≤ 55 gallons of hazardous waste (or 1 quart of acutely hazardous waste) in container at or near the point of generation Any amount of waste > 55 gallons must be removed within 3 days Excess amount must be labeled and dated Slide 14 Satellite Storage: May accumulate as much as 55 gallons of hazardous waste (or 1 quart of acutely hazardous waste) in container at or near point of generation where wastes initially accumulate. Any amount of waste in excess of 55 gallons must be removed within three days. Excess amount must be labeled and dated. For more information see the following: http://www.epa.gov/osw/hazard/generation/labwaste/memo-saa.htm
Satellite Storage Example: Slide 15 This is a picture of what a satellite storage area may look like. Please note the drum is covered.
Satellite Storage Regulations 30 TAC 335.69(d) and (e) Slide 16 Satellite Storage regulations: 30 TAC Chapter 335.69(d) and (e) – Accumulation Time
On-Site Treatment, Storage, and Disposal (TSD) of Non-Hazardous Industrial Solid Waste No permit required 30 TAC 335.2(d)(1) and (2) Disposal and/or processing site must be located within 50 miles of the plant or operation Slide 17 On-Site Storage, Treatment and Disposal, or TSD, of Industrial Solid Waste, Non-Hazardous. No permit required. Regulations are in 30 TAC Chapter 335.2(d)(1) and (2) – Permit Required. Disposal and/or processing site must be located within 50 miles of the plant or operation.
Universal Waste Banned Pesticides Hazardous Waste Lamps Mercury Containing Equipment Batteries Paint and Paint-Related Wastes Slide 18 Universal Waste. Includes: Banned Pesticides Hazardous Waste Lamps Mercury Containing Equipment Batteries Paint and Paint-Related Wastes
Universal Waste (continued) No permit required for handlers or transporters 30 TAC 335.2(l) 40 CFR 273 Slide 19 Universal Waste. No permit required for handlers or transporters Regulations are in: 30 TAC 335.2(l) – Permit Required 40 CFR 273 –Standards for Universal Waste Management Texas Universal waste regulation are different than other states (e.g. paint and paint related waste).
Emergency Response Cleanup Immediate response to hazardous waste discharge 40 CFR.264.1(g)(8) 30 TAC 335.41(d)(2) Slide 20 Emergency Response Cleanup. Immediate response to hazardous waste discharge. Regulations are in: 40 CFR Part 264.1(g)(8) – Purpose, scope, and applicability of standards for TSDFs. 30 TAC Chapter 335.41(d)(2) – Purpose, scope, and applicability of hazardous waste management general provisions.
Treatability Studies Labs and testing facilities 40 CFR 261.4(e) and (f) 30 TAC 335.2(g) Slide 21 Treatability Studies. Applies to laboratories and testing facilities. Hazardous wastes are subject to 40 CFR 261.4(e) and (f) and 30 TAC Chapter 335.2(g) which provide allowable quantities for study samples and describes what must be done with those samples in order for the exemption to remain valid. Hazardous Waste Amount Limits For each process being evaluated for each generated waste stream: 10,000 kg of media contaminated with non-acute hazardous waste 1,000 kg of non-acute hazardous waste other than contaminated media 1 kg of acute hazardous waste 2,500 kg of media contaminated with acute hazardous waste
Farmers Disposing of Pesticides From farmer’s own use Triple rinse container Follow disposal instructions on label 40 CFR 264.1(g)(4) 40 CFR 262.70 30 TAC 335.41(d)(4) 30 TAC 335.77 Slide 22 Farmers Disposing of Pesticides. From farmer’s own use Triple rinse container Follow disposal instructions on label Regulations are at: 40 CFR Part 264.1(g)(4) 40 CFR 262.70 30 TAC Chapter 335.41(d)(4) 30 TAC Chapter 335.77
Use of Absorbent Material in a Container Must be conducted in a container Order does not matter (addition of absorbent to waste or addition of waste to absorbent) Addition of absorbent material occurs at time waste first placed in container 40 CFR 264.1(g)(10) 40 CFR 264.17(b), 264.171, 264.172 30 TAC 335.41(d)(3) Slide 23 Addition of Absorbent Material in a Container. Only applies to containerized waste. Order does not matter, adding waste to absorbent or vice versa. Absorbent must be added at the same time the waste is placed in container. Regulations are at: 40 CFR Part 264.1(g)(10) 40 CFR 264.17(b), 264.171, 264.172 30 TAC Chapter 335.41(d)(3)
Use of Absorbent Material in a Container For Example: Slide 24 Absorbent image obtained from: Http://www.newpig.com/pig/US/absorbents-503?cm_mmc=R-_-key-_-cnt503-_-absorbentmaterial&gclid=COvUp5-D7rUCFQKoPAodRG0A-w
Exemptions for Specific Types of Waste Management Units Less than 90-day storage and treatment units Wastewater Treatment Units (WWTUs) Recycling Units Totally enclosed treatment units Elementary neutralization units Slide 25 Exemptions that apply to a specific type of waste management unit: Less than 90-day storage and treatment units Wastewater Treatment Units (WWTUs) Recycling Units Totally enclosed treatment units Elementary neutralization units
Less than 90-day Storage Containers, tanks, drip pads and containment buildings Secondary containment required for tanks, not for containers Air emissions requirements apply Record-keeping requirements Other requirements Slide 26 Less than 90-day Storage: Containers, tanks, drip pads and containment buildings. Secondary containment required for tanks, not for containers. Air emissions requirements apply. Record-keeping requirements. Other requirements including a description of waste removal procedures, documentation of waste removal, documentation that the unit is emptied at least once every 90 days, and in the case of containment buildings – place a copy of the PE certification in the operating record that the building meets design standards before using that building. Containers, 30 TAC 335.69(a)(1)(A) -Waste management activity must be conducted in containers -The generator complies with the applicable requirements of 40 CFR 265 Tanks, 30 TAC 335.69(a)(1)(B) -Waste management activity must be conducted in tanks -The generator complies with the applicable requirements of 40 CFR 265 (e.g. tank design standards, etc) Drip Pads, 30 TAC 335.69(a)(1)(C) -Waste management activity must be conducted on drip pads -The generator complies with 335.112(a)(18) and maintains the following records at the facility: -Procedures that will be followed to ensure that all wastes are removed from the drip pad and associated collection system at least once every 90 days -Documentation of each waste removal Containment Buildings, 30 TAC 335.69(a)(1)(D) -The waste is placed in containment buildings and the generator complies with 40 CFR 265 and the containment buildings meet the requirements of 30 TAC 335.69 (Accumulation Time). The owner or operator shall also maintain the following records at the facility: -Professional engineer certification that the building complies with the design standards in the facility operating record prior to operation of the unit -Procedures to ensure that each waste volume remains in the unit for no more than 90 days, -Description of the waste generation and management practices for the facility showing that they are consistent with respecting the 90-day limit, -Documentation that the procedures are complied with; and -Documentation that the unit is emptied at least once every 90 days
Less than 90-day Storage 30 TAC 335.69 40 CFR 264.1(g)(3) Slide 27 Less than 90 day Storage regulations are at: 30 TAC Chapter 335.69 40 CFR Part 264.1(g)(3) Containers, 30 TAC 335.69(a)(1)(A) -Waste management activity must be conducted in containers -The generator complies with the applicable requirements of 40 CFR 265 Tanks, 30 TAC 335.69(a)(1)(B) -Waste management activity must be conducted in tanks -The generator complies with the applicable requirements of 40 CFR 265 (e.g. tank design standards, etc) Drip Pads, 30 TAC 335.69(a)(1)(C) -Waste management activity must be conducted on drip pads -The generator complies with 335.112(a)(18) and maintains the following records at the facility: -Procedures that will be followed to ensure that all wastes are removed from the drip pad and associated collection system at least once every 90 days -Documentation of each waste removal Containment Buildings, 30 TAC 335.69(a)(1)(D) -The waste is placed in containment buildings and the generator complies with 40 CFR 265 and the containment buildings meet the requirements of 30 TAC 335.69 (Accumulation Time). The owner or operator shall also maintain the following records at the facility: -Professional engineer certification that the building complies with the design standards in the facility operating record prior to operation of the unit -Procedures to ensure that each waste volume remains in the unit for no more than 90 days, -Description of the waste generation and management practices for the facility showing that they are consistent with respecting the 90-day limit, -Documentation that the procedures are complied with; or -Documentation that the unit is emptied at least once every 90 days Please note this is for on-site wastes only, does not apply for wastes from off-site.
Less than 90-day Storage in Flow-Through Tanks Owner/ operator must demonstrate that total operating volume of tank is replaced every 90 days or less A Memorandum On Flow-Through Tanks is available from the TCEQ Slide 28 Less than 90-day storage in flow-through tanks: Owner/operator must demonstrate that total operating volume of tank is replaced every 90 days or less. Available TCEQ Memo detailing the exemption for flow-through tanks, dated March 29,1994. The memo title is “90-Day “Accumulation Time” Hazardous Waste Exemption: Flow-Through, Mass Balance, Intermittent Input, and Emptying or “Draw-Down” Considerations”.
Less than 90-day Treatment in Tanks or Containers 30 TAC 335.69(a) Slide 29 Less than 90-day treatment in tanks or containers. Regulations are at: 30 TAC Chapter 335.69(a)
Wastewater Treatment Unit (WWTU) Discharge to a Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) or according to Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) under the Clean Water Act 40 CFR 264.1(g)(6), 264.17(b) 30 TAC 335.41(d)(5) - (8) 30 TAC 335.2(d)(6) - (9) Slide 30 Wastewater Treatment Unit, or WWTU Discharge to POTW or according to TPDES under Clean Water Act Regulations are at: 40 CFR Part 264.1(g)(6) 30 TAC Chapter 335.41(d)(5) – (8) 30 TAC Chapter 335.2(d)(6) – (9) – Permit Required D001 wastes, which are ignitable, and D003 wastes, which are reactive – dilution in WWTU before land disposal must comply with 264.17(b) WWTU are regulated under the Clean Water Act, exemption prevents dual regulation with RCRA.
Wastewater Treatment Unit As of June 1, 2006 a facility that accepts industrial wastewaters on a commercial basis and discharges from that process into a POTW is required to obtain a permit (also known as a SB 1281 permit). Slide 31 Wastewater Treatment Unit As of June 1, 2006 a facility that accepts industrial wastewaters on a commercial basis and discharges from that process into a POTW is required to obtain a permit (also known as a SB 1281 permit).
Recycling Use, re-use, or reclaim 30 TAC 335.24 40 CFR 261.6(a)(2) and (3) Storage for more than 24 hours before recycling requires a permit Slide 32 Recycling: Use, re-use or reclaim. Under 30 TAC Chapter 335.24, a permit is not required for the management of industrial recyclable materials described in this regulation. Under 40 CFR Part 261.6(a)(2) and (3) The permitting exemption is for the recycling operation itself and not for the storage or disposal of the wastes. Storage for more than 24 hours before recycling will require a permit.
Totally Enclosed Treatment Facilities No permit required for owner/ operator 40 CFR 264.1(g)(5) 30 TAC 335.41(b) Slide 33 Totally Enclosed Treatment Facilities. No permit required for owner/operator Regulations are at: 40 CFR Part 264.1(g)(5) 30 TAC Chapter 335.41(b) Though the nomenclature for this unit includes the word “facility”, it is actually considered to be a “unit”.
Elementary Neutralization Unit Waste must be D002 (corrosive) only 40 CFR 264.1(g)(6), 264.17(b) 30 TAC 335.41(d)(1) Slide 34 Elementary Neutralization Units (ENUs). A waste management unit that is used for neutralizing wastes that are hazardous only because they are corrosive (D002 wastes). Regulations are at: 40 CFR Part 264.1(g)(6), 264.17(b) 30 TAC Chapter 335.41(d)(1)
Exemptions for Specific Types of Waste Management Facilities Superfund sites Transfer facilities Facilities that accept waste from CESQGs Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs) Slide 35 Exemptions that apply to a specific type of waste management facility. Superfund site. Transfer facility. Facilities that accept waste from CESQGs. Publicly owned treatment units, or POTWs.
Transfer Facilities (Less than 10 days) Temporary storage for waste in transit Manifest, container requirements apply May bulk/consolidate shipments 40 CFR 264.1(g)(9) 30 TAC 335.94 30 TAC 335.2(d)(5) Slide 36 Transfer Facilities (Less than 10-days). Temporary storage for waste in transit Manifest, container requirements apply May bulk or consolidate shipments Regulations are at: 40 CFR part 264.1(g)(9) 30 TAC Chapter 335.94 30 TAC Chapter 335.2(d)(5) Note: A transfer facility is not a satellite storage facility, it is a legitimate transfer facility if it is used for temporary storage for waste which is in transit.
Superfund Sites Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act Slide 37 Superfund Sites. CERCLA – Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act No RCRA permit needed for Superfund on-site cleanup activities. For Example see: RSR Dallas Superfund Site (http://www.epa.gov/earth1r6/6sf/pdffiles/rsr-tx.pdf)
Municipal and Solid Waste Disposal Facilities that Manage Only Hazardous Waste from CESQGs Do not need a Hazardous Waste Permit Will need their MSW Permit 40 CFR 264.1(g)(1) 30 TAC 335.2(e) Slide 38 Municipal and Solid Waste Disposal facilities that Manage Only Hazardous Waste from Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators, or CESQGs. Do not need a Hazardous Waste Permit. Will need an MSW permit. Regulations are at: 40 CFR Part 264.1(g)(1) 30 TAC Chapter 335.2(e)
Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs) No permit required for owner/ operator of POTW that processes, stores or disposes of hazardous waste Typically use acceptance criteria agreements 40 CFR 264.1(e) 30 TAC 335.41(c) Slide 39 Publicly Owned Treatment Works(POTWs). No permit required for owner/operator of POTW that processes, stores or disposes of hazardous waste. Regulations are at: 40 CFR Part 264.1(e) 30 TAC Chapter 335.41(c) Please note that, in accordance with Senate Bill 1281 passed during the 79th Legislative Session, a commercial industrial solid waste facility discharging into a Publicly Owned Treatment Works is required to obtain a permit as of June 1, 2006.
More Information? Contact the I&HW Permits Section at: (512) 239-2335 ihwper@tceq.texas.gov More Information? Contact the I&HW Permits Section at: (512) 239-2334 (phone) ihwper@tceq.texas.gov (email) Note: “@tceq.texas.gov” is the new extension for TCEQ e-mail addresses
Useful Agency Links: TCEQ Home Page: http://www.tceq.texas.gov/ Has links to 30 TAC Rules and Federal sites I & HW Permitting Home Page: http://www.tceq.texas.gov/agency/hiw.ht ml Slide 41 Useful Agency Links: TCEQ Home Page: http://www.tceq.texas.gov/ TCEQ Home Page has links to State 30 TAC Rules, Federal 40 CFR Rules, and other Federal sites I&HW Permitting Home Page: http://www.tceq.texas.gov/agency/hiw.html
Sign Up for GovDelivery [Pictures of the first and second pages of the Spring 2017 I&HW Quarterly Highlights.] Receive the I&HW Quarterly update, and notification of IHW forms, rule, guidance, and procedure updates: http://www.tceq.texas.go v/permitting/waste_permi ts/ihw_permits/signupihw Sign Up for GovDelivery Receive the I&HW Quarterly update, and notification of IHW forms, rule, guidance, and procedure updates: http://www.tceq.texas.gov/permitting/waste_permits/ihw_permits/signupihw [Pictures of the first and second pages of the Spring 2017 I&HW Quarterly Highlights.] There is possibility for adding subgroups to the listserv (for example, rulemaking or combustion groups).
Questions? Chris Shaw Waste Permits Division (512) 239-2349 Chris.Shaw@tceq.texas.gov Slide 42 Contact information for presenter: Chris Shaw Waste Permits Division (512) 239-2349 Chris.Shaw@tceq.texas.gov Will Wyman (512) 239-3015 Will.Wyman@tceq.texas.gov