Naveen Y S, M.Sc., in Water and Environmental Management, LUH IASH member 2014-2016
Dreams… A CLEAN LOCALITY.. A Clean Environment A Cleaner Bengaluru Swacch Bharath…
PROPOSED PROJECT Waste segregation, awareness campaign & waste management for Block:6 of Kottigepalya ward:73, Bengaluru, INDIA
The Issue No scientific waste collection mechanism available. Dry waste is either thrown on the streets or burnt in open/for cooking. Drains are clogged with dry waste. Lack of efficient collection mechanism drives a behavioural tendency to dump garbage at any place. There is no awareness among the residents about the ill-effects of burning dry waste.
Intervention The project intervenes at two levels: Behavioural: Creating awareness on Source Segregation of waste and prevention of littering Infrastructural: Setting up a scientific Waste Collection, Storage, Composting facility to enable recycling of resources
PROGRAM IMPACT AREA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Estimated population 4000 Sl.No. Particular Number 1 Estimated population 4000 2 Households 900 3 Shops 30 4 Schools 5 School children 300 6 Waste handlers 7 Waste unit employees 8 Indirect target group 50000+
PROGRAM FEATURES Dry Waste: Safer and better working conditions Efficient recovery of recyclable resources FROM THIS TO THIS
PROGRAM FEATURES Wet Waste: Safer and better working conditions Composting instead of filth, foul smelling food waste FROM THIS TO THIS
PROGRAM FEATURES Awareness: Training of waste unit employees and collection staff. Door-to-door awareness to all the residents Awareness sessions in schools Infrastructure: Setting up composting infrastructure Setting up Dry waste center Supply of recyclables to recycling units
PROJECT PARTNERS FUNDING AGENCY Project proposal from: IASH (Indian Association Hannover/Indischer Verein Hannover e.V.) Implementation partner: Saahas, Bengaluru, India FUNDING AGENCY CIM- GIZ Centre for International Migration and Development Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
SELECTION First round: 60+ proposals sent to CIM GIZ, from more than 12 nations 15 were selected Second round: 5 project proposals finally selected Only project from Indian diaspora
ROLE OF IASH: Knowledge transfer: PhD and Master students in Environment, to support in creating awareness materials Diaspora experts to plan and help in execution Raising funds: CIM-GIZ funds 90% of the project (36000 euro) IASH has to support remaining 10% (4000 euro) PLEASE DO CONTRIBUTE TO IASH ACCOUNT
PROJECT TIMELINE TOTAL PROJECT PERIOD: 15 months Awareness campaigns: 2 months To set up a Waste management unit: 1 month Project implementation: 12 months
PROGRAM IMPACT 500 kgs of wet waste composted/converted to bio gas 600 kgs of dry waste handled per day 15000 kgs per month or 182.5 Tons per year of Wet Waste handled locally 220 Tons of Dry Waste diverted from dumping/ burning in one year Target to reuse or recycle 100 Tons of dry waste, by sending it to recyclers (paper, plastic, laminates, tetrapak, etc.) Visibly improved cleanliness levels, cleaner drains Improved awareness about waste among the residents
CONTACT US: #21, Ground Floor, MCHS Colony, 5th C Cross, 16th Main, BTM Layout 2nd Stage, Bangalore - 560076 Telephone : 080-41689889 E-mail: THANK YOU