Chapter 14 NOTES
Standard 6-3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of changing political, social, and economic cultures in Asia. Enduring Understanding Asian cultures were developing in ways both similar to and different from those in other parts of the world. The cultures of China, India, Japan, and the Middle East influenced each other’s growth and development as well as that of the rest of the world. To understand the contributions of Asian societies that have endured and are evident in our society today, the student will… 6-3.4 Explain the origin and fundamental beliefs of Islam and the geographic and economic aspects of its expansion.
Muhammad Born in Mecca, Orphan, raised by an uncle Married w/children wants people to honor family, be fair, help poor 610AD visited by angel - told him to spread Islam Islam means “surrendering to the will of Allah” Wanted a just society wealth not as important as leading a good life God will reward/punish on Day of Judgment
Islam's Teachings A. Monotheistic B. God determines right and wrong C Islam's Teachings A. Monotheistic B. God determines right and wrong C. Obey God’s laws = blessed in afterlife D. Prophets: Abraham, Moses, Jesus E. Muhammad is prophet, not divine
Quran A. Messages Muhammad received from Allah B Quran A. Messages Muhammad received from Allah B. Allah’s written word, to be followed 1. Be honest, treat others fairly, honor parents, give to poor 2. Murder, lying, stealing forbidden 3. Don’t eat pork, drink liquor, gamble 4. Rules about family life, property, divorce, marriage, business C. 5 Pillars: Belief, Prayer, Charity, Fasting, Pilgrimage D. Sunna are customs based on Muhammad’s teachings
I. Muhammad's Government A. Moves to Yathrib because rejected in Mecca 1. Hijrah = “breaking off relationships. journey to Yathrib 2. Renamed Yathrib Medinah “city of the prophet” 3. Created Islamic state with Muhammad as leader 4 Used government to uphold teachings of Islam B. Settled disputes with Islamic law C. Required people to be loyal to Islamic state above tribes/sheikhs D. Built army and conquered Mecca in 630AD E. Dies two years later
Arabian Peninsula
Spread of Islam in N. Africa
The Spread of Islam Caliphs – Muhammad’s successors. “Messenger of God” Rightly Guided Caliphs –simple living, treat others fairly. Arab Empire expands to include all of SW Asia Umayyad Caliphs (661AD – 750AD) Moved capital to Damascus, Syria Expansion of empire: N. Africa, Spain, parts of India
Spread of Islam II. Conquered Territory A. Arabs horse soldiers & swordsmen B. Martyrs go to paradise C. Religious freedom in conquered territories 1. Jews & Christians = “People of the Book” 2. Non-muslims paid special tax D. conquered territories convert to Islam 1. Arabic means language, not Arabian.
Spread of Islam III. Preaching & trade A. Sufis – Islamic missionaries/monks won many followers B. Arab merchants 1. trading posts in SE Asia & taught Islam aa. Example: Indonesia 2. THROUGH TRADE Timbuktu (W Africa) becomes Islamic center of learning
Islam Splits Shiites –Muhammad’s son-in-law, Ali should succeed him. Umayyad Caliphs have no right to rule Sunni – follow Umayyad dynasty Outnumber Shiites 2 groups develop different practices
Division and Growth The Abbasid Dynasty (750A.D.-1258A.D.) A. Follows the Umayyad Dynasty 1. Results from loss of power a. Umayyad upset many Muslims, especially Persians. b. Arab Muslims gets special treatment 2. Overthrow Umayyads 3. Descendants of Muhammad’s Uncle B. Move capital to Baghdad C. Bring Persian influence to Arab Empire. 1. Encourage a love for Persian art and literature
Division and Growth The Abbasid Dynasty (750A.D.-1258A.D.) D. Dynasty weakens 1. Seljuk Turks take control a. nomadic warriors from central Asia b. hired as soldiers by Abbasids c. take advantage of Abbasid weakness d. Take control of government and army e. Call Seljuk ruler sultan 2. Abbasid caliph remains relig. Leader 3. Abbasid Dynasty under Seljuk Turk control for over 200 yrs.
Division and Growth The Abbasid Dynasty (750A.D.-1258A.D.) E. Mongols Attack 1. fierce warriors from central Asia 2. Burn Baghdad to ground (1258 A.D.) F. Abbasid Dynasty and Arab Empire End Ottomans Invade (Late 1200s A.D.) Moguls empire begins in India (1500s A.D.)
Collapse of Arabian/Muslim Empire Moguls – Warriors from N. India conquer Arabs Ottomans – Ruled by Ossman built Ottoman-Turk Empire in 1200s Defeat Byzantines and conquer Asia Minor (Turkey), Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Mesopotamia 1. Seize Constantinople-Becomes Istanbul 2. Make Istanbul center of Empire
The Moguls Moguls A. Warriors from mnts. north of India B. Used guns, cannons, elephants, and horses C. Make Delhi center of empire D. Akbar greatest ruler 1. Brought peace and order a. treated all subjects fairly b. Allowed people to practice their religion 2. Both Hindus and Muslims allowed to serve in govt. Akbar
The Moguls Moguls D. Akbar (Continued) 3. Trade increased a. muslim merchants introduce paper, gunpowder, and porcelain from China 4. Muslim architecture introduced to India E. Mogul empire declines 1. Later rulers spend too much money a. try to expand empire b. over tax subjects c. force Hindus to convert to Islam F. British take control
The Ottomans Ottoman Turks A. Leaders called sultans B. Non muslims charged special tax 1. Given religious freedom 2. Could choose leaders as reps to govt. C. Heavy demands Christian families 1. Families in E. Europe 2. Forced to send sons to Istanbul 3. Sons made Muslims 4. Trained as soldiers for sultan. a. known as Janissaries b. elite guards
The Ottomans Ottoman Turks D. Greatest leader Suleiman I 1. Ruled in 1500s 2. Enthusiastic about architecture a. built many schools and mosques 3. Invaded Europe a. threatened Vienna 4. Known as Suleiman the Magnificent E. Empire ends at end of WWI (1918)
Suleiman I “The Magnificent” 1494-1566
The Safavids The Safavids (1500-1700s) A. Founded by Ismail 1. Shia Leader 2. Shah (king) of Persia B. Persian language spread as language of culture and trade C. Urdu language (spoken in Pakistan) based on Persian
Muslim Achievements Caliph Mamun – founded center for learning – House of Wisdom in Baghdad. Adopted 0-9 from Hindus “Arabic numerals” Chemist al Razi – invented “20 questions” - classifications: animal, vegetable, or mineral Doctor Ibn Sina showed how disease spreads from person to person.
Muslim Literature I. Omar Khayyam A. Persian Poet 1. wrote the Rubaiyat a. considered one of finest poems ever written B. Ibn Khaldun 1. Muslim Historian a. one of first to study effects of geography and climate on people C. Other famous writings: 1. The Thousand and One Nights (The Arabian Nights) about Aladdin and his lamp
Muslim Architecture Known for beautiful buildings A. Mosques ( Muslim houses of worship) 1. Domes with Minarets (prayer towers) B. Palaces (Islamic Rulers) 1. Alhambra in Granada, Spain (1300s A.D.) 2. Taj Mahal in Agra, India (1629 A. D.) a. built by Mogul ruler Shah Jahan b. built in memory of deceased wife c. made of marble and precious stones
Alhambra Palace Granada, Spain
The Taj Mahal