Good Afternoon Biology Students!!! Tuesday April 23rd 2013 Please take out a few pieces of paper for our unit on the Ebola Virus
Today’s Classwork– DUE at the end of class TODAY Complete Summary on Ebola Notes What were the main concepts & ideas that were covered in today’s lecture that relate with the video?
Today’s Agenda How Much DO You know about Ebola? Ebola Lecture Ebola Video
Title: Ebola Anticipation Activity Please take out 1 piece of paper and grab a marker **Get ready to respond to the following questions about EBOLA!!!!!!
Ebola Pre-Assessment Qs 1. Write down everything you know or have heard about the “Ebola virus” 2. Draw a picture of what you think “Ebola” looks like 3. Describe what you think happens to your body if you contract the “Ebola virus” 4. Where do you think the “Ebola virus” exists and orginated from?
An Intro to Ebola The Harsh Killer The Ebola virus was 1st discovered in 1976 in Zaire and Sudan (Countries in Africa). Ebola - highest fatality rates of any human pathogenic virus, 90%. The Ebola virus is one of two members of a family of RNA viruses called the Filoviridae Transmitted by human contact with infected blood and bodily fluids of a diseased person, and by human contact with contaminated medical equipment such as needles.
Symptoms Begin to develop within about 4-6 days of being infected. Includes fever, sore throat, vomiting, weakness, stomach pain, and a dry, hacking cough. Death usually occurs during the 2nd week of symptoms, most often as a result of massive blood loss.
Symptoms Continued Within a week, a raised rash appears over the entire body. The rash is often hemorrhagic (contains blood). Hemorrhaging generally occurs from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, causing the patient to bleed from both the mouth and rectum.
Treatment for Ebola No known cure No medications have been developed to fight the virus. Current treatment - supportive care. The patient is hospitalized (ICU). There will be an attempt to correct bleeding abnormalities, often including transfusions of platelets and/or fresh blood.
Today’s Classwork– DUE at the end of class TODAY Complete Summary on Ebola Notes What were the main concepts & ideas that were covered in today’s lecture that relate with the video?
Ebola Video Notes Please take out a piece of paper for video notes (1 pg) **Remember to focus on the main concepts and ideas, not specific facts **Anticipation Activity, Lecture notes with summary and Video notes WILL BE TURNED IN AFTER the video