Instructions at the Lowest Level Some of this material can be found in Chapter 3 of Computer Architecture (Carter) CSIT 301 (Blum)
CSIT 301 (Blum)
Bus Keyboard encoder Input port 1 Accumulator Flags ALU Input port 2 Prog. counter TMP Mem.Add.Reg. B Memory C MDR Output port 3 Display Instr. Reg. Output port 4 CSIT 301 (Blum) Control
Micro-code Let us now examine the steps involved in the assembly (machine language) instruction Load Accumulator A. Recall that the Accumulator is a register associated with the ALU. If you want to do something as simple as adding two numbers you start by pitting the first number in the Accumulator. CSIT 301 (Blum)
What do you mean by Load? There are different types of Loads Load Instruction and address Data at specified address to be put in Acc. A Load immediate Instruction and data Data in instruction sent directly to Acc. A Load indirect Instruction and address of address The data in the location indicated by the instruction holds another address, and that address has the data to be placed in Acc. A CSIT 301 (Blum)
Addressing modes These variations on instructions are known as addressing modes. For now we will consider the Load – as opposed to Load Immediate or Load Indirect CSIT 301 (Blum)
Fetch Cycle Address State: the value of the program counter (which recall is the address of line of the program to be performed) is put into memory address register. Increment State: the program counter is incremented, getting it ready for the next time. Memory State: the current line of the program is put into instruction register (so Control knows what to do). CSIT 301 (Blum)
Execution cycle (Load Acc. A) The remaining steps depend on the specific instruction and are collectively known as the execution cycle. Recall the instruction consisted of a load command and an address. A copy of the address is now taken from the instruction register over to the memory address register. The value at that address is loaded into Acc. A. For the load command, there is no activity during the sixth step. It is known as a "no operation" step (a "no op" or "nop"). CSIT 301 (Blum)
Data Movement Many of the micro-code steps involve moving data and addresses to various locations (registers, memory locations, etc.) The information is often, but not always, sent over the bus. So information must be put on and taken from the bus. CSIT 301 (Blum)
Controlling a register One enters a value into a register (i.e. loads it) If the load control input is active When the clock is at the appropriate part of its cycle (e.g. positive edge) If a register is allowed to place its value on the bus, it will have an enable control input. It will do so When the enable control input is active CSIT 301 (Blum)
The clock pin The clock is another control pin (sometimes called a timing pin) which determines when a register takes the value on the bus. The load input determines if the register takes the value. The clock input determines when the register takes the value. CSIT 301 (Blum)
The clock A binary clock: 10101010101010101010 Each cycle (01) should take the same amount of time (the time for a cycle: the period) The number of cycles in a second is called the frequency. “On the edge:” many registers load on the clock’s edge Positive edge: as 0 goes to 1 Negative edge: as 1 goes to 0 CSIT 301 (Blum)
CSIT 301 (Blum)
Other control pins Items involved in data manipulation (as opposed to simply data movement) will require additional control pins. For example, the program counter needs to be incremented. Thus additional control pins are required These pins are sometimes also referred to as “enable” pins, as they enable a particular action CSIT 301 (Blum)
ALU control The primary data manipulator is the ALU. The control pins here select between various logic and arithmetic operations – Add, Subtract, Multiply, AND, OR, etc. CSIT 301 (Blum)
Micro-code is Micro-code is 1’s and 0’s stored in ROM The ROM output is connected to control pins. For example, one micro-code instruction is to take the value from the program counter to the memory address register So send active signals to “enable the PC” and “load the MAR” CSIT 301 (Blum)
Micro-coding Load Accumulator A To discuss coding from the bottom up, one starts with micro-code. Micro-code is “burned” into the read-only memory (ROM) of the control unit and is sent out to the control inputs of the other components. Let us examine the micro-code of the assemble level instruction Load Acc. A Assume control inputs are active when they are high CSIT 301 (Blum)
(Architecture reminder) Bus (Architecture reminder) Keyboard encoder Input port 1 Accumulator Flags ALU Input port 2 Prog. counter TMP Mem.Add.Reg. B Memory C MDR Output port 3 Display Instr. Reg. Output port 4 CSIT 301 (Blum) Control
Control pins Assume here that 1 is active and 0 is inactive – “active high” Address State: the value of the program counter (which recall is the address of line of the program to be performed) is put into memory address register. CSIT 301 (Blum)
Increment State: the program counter is incremented, getting it ready for the next time. CSIT 301 (Blum)
Memory State: the current line of the program is put into instruction register (so Control knows what to do). CSIT 301 (Blum)
Recall the instruction consisted of a load command and an address Recall the instruction consisted of a load command and an address. A copy of the address is now taken over to the memory address register. CSIT 301 (Blum)
The value at that address is loaded into Accumulator A. CSIT 301 (Blum)
For the load command, there is no activity during the sixth step For the load command, there is no activity during the sixth step. It is known as a "no operation" step (a "no op" or "nop"). CSIT 301 (Blum)
These 1’s and 0’s are MICRO-CODE. (Don’t confuse micro-code with macro-code.) It is fed directly to the hardware (specifically the control pins of the devices). Unless you are a hardware manufacturer, you usually don’t program at this level known as microprogramming. You might copy someone else’s code when you flash the BIOS. CSIT 301 (Blum)
ROM for other addressing modes? What would the ROM look like for the other versions of Load? Load Immediate? Load Indirect? CSIT 301 (Blum)
Load Immediate CSIT 301 (Blum) Program Counter Enable Program Counter Enable Program Counter Load Program Counter Increment Memory Address Register Load Memory Read Memory Write Memory Data Register Enable Memory Data Register Load Instruction Register Enable Instruction Register Load Accumulator Enable Accumulator Load Address state 1 Increment state Memory State Data to Accumulator 1 No-op CSIT 301 (Blum)
Load Indirect CSIT 301 (Blum) Program Counter Enable Program Counter Enable Program Counter Load Program Counter Increment Memory Address Register Load Memory Read Memory Write Memory Data Register Enable Memory Data Register Load Instruction Register Enable Instruction Register Load Accumulator Enable Accumulator Load Address state 1 Increment state Memory State Instr. Address to MAR 1 Data to MAR Data to Accumulator CSIT 301 (Blum)
The “von Neumann bottleneck" Our basic approach is to get the instruction from memory (fetch) Get the data from memory or put data in memory, etc. (execute) We go back and forth between the memory and CPU, one instruction at a time. This is sometimes called the “von Neumann bottleneck.” Ideas like caching and pipelining attempt to speed the process up but they don’t vary from the overall approach. CSIT 301 (Blum)
CSIT 301 (Blum)
Lots of registers After Memory, Control and the ALU, most of the other items in this architecture are registers. A counter is a register that can increment Registers are small units of memory that are associated with the processor. The registers serve various special purposes. In some cases, main memory could be used in place of a particular register, but using the register speeds up the processor. CSIT 301 (Blum)
Speeding up the process Registers are faster than main memory because writing to or reading from a block of memory is (at least) a two-step process Specify the address Read or write a value at that address A register is a single unit of memory and thus eliminates the first step. (There is also a vicinity consideration, the registers are on the processor chip, the memory is on a separate chip or chips.) CSIT 301 (Blum)
Register size The size of the registers (the number of bits, binary digits, it has) is an important feature of a processor. A register may hold Data: thus its size may affect the range and/or precision of numbers available. Address: thus its size may affect the number of addressable locations. Instruction: thus its size may affect the number of instructions one can have. CSIT 301 (Blum)
Intel family chip comparison table from It was at 32 bits for a long time, but 64 is finally here. CSIT 301 (Blum)
CSIT 301 (Blum)
32-memory limitation With 32 bits one can address 2^32 things. In memory one addresses bytes 2^32= 4,294,967,296 bytes 4,294,967,296 bytes = 4194304 kilobytes 4194304 kilobytes = 4096 megabytes 4096 meagbytes = 4 gigabytes CSIT 301 (Blum)
Register hiding Registers play a role in programming at the assembly level, but their use is hidden when one programs with high-level languages. (The programming language C allows for some low-level programming.) This is an example of those familiar ideas Layering Information hiding CSIT 301 (Blum)
Software Based in part on material from Chapters 4 & 5 in Computer Architecture by Nicholas Carter CSIT 301 (Blum)
Moving up one level Micro-code rarely changes thus it is written in (“burned into”) read-only memory (ROM). By the true meaning of the terms, ROM is RAM, by which I mean that a particular “word” in ROM is accessed using an address and does not require progressing through previous locations. Thus we can access the micro-code by supplying its address. Effectively, the addresses of the micro-code is the next level of programming: machine code. CSIT 301 (Blum)
Machine code In a machine-code program, one tells the computer to execute the micro-code found at Control-ROM Address1, then execute the micro-code found at Control-ROM Address2, etc. The program looks something like Address1 Address2 except that the addresses are in binary (1’s and 0’s). So it might look like 00101001 00011010 CSIT 301 (Blum)
Machine code is software Micro-code is often referred to as firmware to indicate that it is the transition between hardware and software, that it is written in ROM and not changed very readily. Machine code is placed in RAM, which is easily rewritten. Thus it is soft-ware. CSIT 301 (Blum)
Ground floor for software Machine code is the lowest level of software. It is the only level of software capable of communicating with the hardware (via the firmware). Thus all software must be put into machine language form before it can be executed. CSIT 301 (Blum)
What makes software soft? Part of the flexibility of software is that the set of instructions can be rearranged, leading to a different program. Another part of the flexibility is the inclusion of data with the instructions. A machine level instruction may be to move the value stored at a certain memory location to a register (e.g. Accumulator A). Part of the instruction is data, the memory location, which can be changed to yield different results. Also the data at the memory location can be changed to yield different results. CSIT 301 (Blum)
Operator/Operand So a software instruction can specify an action and data to be acted upon. We use the term operator (also op-code) to refer to the action. We use the term operand to refer to the data. So if we instruct the computer to copy the value from memory location 35 to accumulator A, then Copying a value from memory to Acc. A is the operator Location 35 is the operand CSIT 301 (Blum)
Instruction set So a programmer can modify the order of instructions and the data portion (operands) of those instructions, but what is fixed is the set of allowable instructions, known as the instruction set. The instruction set is an important characteristic of the processor, what instructions and how many are allowed. CSIT 301 (Blum)
Instruction-Set Size Issue Often one can realize a complicated instruction by using simple instructions, but then one must execute several instructions instead of just one. The burden is taken off the hardware and put on the software. So an issue in processor design is whether one should have a smaller collection of simpler, faster instructions or whether one should support a larger collection of more complex instructions. If the more complex instructions are rarely used, it may be better to leave them out – provided their effect can obtained using a combination of other instructions. CSIT 301 (Blum)
RISC/CISC Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISC) use processors that limit the number of instructions with the idea that the supported instructions will be simpler and faster. A simpler instruction set also means less circuitry, fewer transistors and thus cheaper processors. To distinguish conventionally designed from RISC machines, the term Complex Instruction Set Computers (CISC) was introduced. Ideas from both camps have merged, so now it is hard to distinguish RISC from CISC. CSIT 301 (Blum)
RISCs in Parallel RISC processors are coming around again but this time in parallel. The simpler RISC processor requires fewer transistors and takes up less space. Thus, one can place two or more of them on a single chip. Multicore. CSIT 301 (Blum)
ARM-Advanced RISC Machines CSIT 301 (Blum)
Stored program as data At the machine language level, one is writing software by entering strings of 1’s and 0’s. This is tedious and error prone. In the stored program concept, the instructions and the data are placed together in memory. It is then possible to treat the program as data – either of a different program or indeed of the same program. The latter case is known as self-modifying code. CSIT 301 (Blum)
Assembly: one small step … Instead of coding in machine language’s binary strings, people introduced mnemonics for the instructions. For example, LDA 35 instead of something like 00101001 00100011. Then there was another program that treated the mnemonic code as data and created from it the corresponding machine code. The program is called an assembler and the mnemonic code is called assembly. CSIT 301 (Blum)
One-to-one There is essentially a one-to-one correspondence between assembly code and machine code. The assembler code corresponds to a look-up table. It looks up the assembly code and outputs the corresponding machine code. It can also do some checking. If the code submitted is not proper assembly code, … CSIT 301 (Blum)
Hardware Aware The assembly programmer has to have knowledge of the computer’s architecture What registers there are What actions are allowed on those registers Etc. If the hardware changes, the assembly program may no longer be any good. CSIT 301 (Blum)
Backward Compatibility So as to not render customer’s software completely useless, processor designers take backward compatibility into consideration. A computer is called “backward compatible” if it can run the same software as the previous model of the computer. The reverse is not necessarily true – for software written based on the new hardware. A manufacturer will try to make a series or family of processors backward compatible provided it doesn’t stand in the way of progress. Sometimes the computer has a special mode for running old programs. CSIT 301 (Blum)
Intel Intel introduced the first microprocessor (the CPU on a single chip) – the 4004 designed in conjunction with the Japanese firm Busicom for use in a calculator. They followed this with the 4040, 8008, 8080, 8086, 8088, and the 80286. At this stage, people drop the 80 at the beginning, giving the 286, 386, 486. Because a company cannot trademark a number, they stopped using this naming scheme, so instead of 586, we got the Pentium. CSIT 301 (Blum)
Intel Intel, founded in 1968 by Bob Noyce and Gordon Moore is the world's largest manufacturer of computer chips. It has been challenged by AMD – Advanced Micro Devices (especially since they broke the GHz barrier first) – and Cyrix (now part of VIA). Nearly all PCs are based on Intel's x86 architecture, in fact that’s how some people define the term PC. And now Intel chips are used in MACs. CSIT 301 (Blum)
CSIT 301 (Blum)
Speaking of Gordon Moore Moore observed an exponential growth (effectively doubling every couple years) in the number of transistors per integrated circuit and predicted that this trend would continue. This is known as Moore’s Law. There are similar predictions about memory, price, etc. CSIT 301 (Blum)
CSIT 301 (Blum) Year of introduction Transistors 4004 1971 2,250 8008 Year of introduction Transistors 4004 1971 2,250 8008 1972 2,500 8080 1974 5,000 8086 1978 29,000 286 1982 120,000 386™ processor 1985 275,000 486™ DX processor 1989 1,180,000 Pentium® processor 1993 3,100,000 Pentium II processor 1997 7,500,000 Pentium III processor 1999 24,000,000 Pentium 4 processor 2000 42,000,000 CSIT 301 (Blum)
CSIT 301 (Blum)
CSIT 301 (Blum)
CSIT 301 (Blum)
CSIT 301 (Blum)
CSIT 301 (Blum)
CSIT 301 (Blum)
CSIT 301 (Blum)
CSIT 301 (Blum)
CSIT 301 (Blum)
References Computer Architecture, Nicholas Carter Computer Organization and Design, David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessey Digital Computer Electronics, Albert P. Malvino and Jerald A. Brown CSIT 301 (Blum)