Senior English 3/11/19 Write on a subject of your choice.


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Presentation transcript:

Senior English 3/11/19 Write on a subject of your choice. What do you call bears with no ears? Katzenjammer – literally, a cat’s howling. Also a synonym for a hangover. Goals – Work on intro paragraph. Homework – Get intro paragraph completed by tomorrow at the end of the period. Don’t forget to study for vocab. 22. B.

Senior English 3/12/19 What do you think is the most important lesson that Frankenstein has to share with the reading public? How can you tell an English teacher has been using the computer? Tacnuk – tactical nuclear weapon. Goals – Go to the lab to complete the opening paragraph. Turn it in at the end of the period. Homework – Try working on a body paragraph for tomorrow. Don’t forget to study for Vocab # 22. White out on the screen.

Senior English 3/13/19 Perhaps the monster would have turned out differently if Frankenstein had helped him but the rest of the world would still have hated and feared him. Would love really have prevented the tragedy? Why don’t blind people sky dive? Absquatulate – to leave hurriedly and stealthily. Goals –Begin body paragraphs. Homework – Try to complete at least one body paragraph to turn in tomorrow. Don’t forget to study for Vocab # 22. It scares the heck out of the dog.

Senior English 3/14/19 What does Robert Walton really learn from his encounter with Frankenstein and his monster? What did the rug say to the floor? Bicipital – having two heads. Goals – Complete at least one body paragraph to turn in tomorrow before the quiz. Do more so you have less homework on the weekend. Homework – Complete as many body paragraphs as you can. Vocab 22 tomorrow. Don’t move, I’ve got you covered.

Senior English 3/15/19 Five minutes to study for Vocabulary 22. What is the difference between a dead dog in the road and a dead English teacher in the road? Sciamachy – fighting an imaginary enemy; combat with shadow. Goals – Successfully complete and correct vocabulary 22. Go to lab to work on body paragraphs. Homework – Begin Study for vocab 23. Complete body paragraphs. We will be working on closing paragraphs on Monday. Skid marks in front of the dog.