Conflict Resolution
Responding to Conflict Conflict Resolution: the process of ending a conflict through cooperation and problem solving skills. Two choices when faced with conflict: Walk away This allows you to cool down and think about the situation and how you will respond to it rationally. Respond to it
Working Through Problems Compromise: settling a conflict by giving up part of what you want. It is important to come to an agreement during a conflict to keep the conflict from happening again. Negotiation: the use of communication and compromise to settle a disagreement.
The Negotiation Process 1. Take time to cool down and think about the problem. 2. Let each party explain their side of the story without interruption. Make sure to use “I” messages. 3. Ask for clarification to make sure you understand the problem. 4. Brainstorm ideas to fix the problem. 5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each solution. 6. Pick a solution that both side agrees on.
“I” Messages In conflict resolution you should try to use “I” Messages, instead of “You” Messages. It is easier to share you emotions this way without placing blame on someone. I feel (state your feelings), when (state the undesired behavior you wish to stop), because (state why you feel the why you do) and (state your future expectations and or future consequences.
Class Room Activity Finish the I-Messages Worksheet on your own Then turn it in to the tray in the back of the room.