Conclusions of the Sprint session of the RDG Task Force on Cooperation Models within the ESS RDG meeting 17 June 2015
Goal of the Sprint session Mandate of TFCM: to identify, examine and provide recommendations to the ESSC for building blocks necessary to establish innovative and flexible cooperation models within the ESS. The ESSC will be taking the decisions. Sprint session on 15-16 June: to discuss all options and underlying elements needed to develop such models Working concept based on Analysis of existing models: Simstat, Census hub, Edamis; survey on cooperation practices in the MS to identify challenges currently faced (PL) Explore new models: brainstorming, best practices beyond ESS 17 June 2015 TFCM
Breakouts on existing models ESSnets – CoE – Data hubs – PPPs … Some considerations What do we understand by cooperation? How to promote the reuse of results; knowledge sharing; sharing of skills "One for all" model? Soft vs regulated How to ensure that non-members are not left out Need to improve coordination and communication Issues: Micro data exchange; ownership of results, intellectual protection TFCM
Building blocks Keywords crucial for identifying building blocks in any cooperation model: Legal basis Financial instruments Type of work Governance issues Ownership of results Sustainability Confidentiality and security TFCM
Building blocks Governance Legal Financial Accountability: Joint responsibility of ESS (ESSC or Director Groups) Contract mgmt Operational: project mgmt Gov. structure could change depending on project phase Legal Letter of intent Gentlemen agreement MoU or SLA Bilateral agreement Contract (procurement or grant) EC Decision (ERIC) Regulation (Reg 223, ESP) Financial Grants Procurement MS contributions Membership fees In-kind contributions (e.g. exchange of staff) 17 June 015 TFCM
Building blocks – Type of work Multidimension of the model Process-focus: Capability management (solutions for various processes) Statistical processes based on GSBPM Corporate support Output-focus: Statistics Services Tools (software, apps, methods…) 17 June 015 TFCM
Next steps Purpose: Investigate technical and statistical feasibility July – mid-Sept: Drafting by TFCM 25 September: Oral presentation to ESSC and summary draft report as room doc. October: Report to the VIG for comments Mid-November: Report to RDG for consultation 17 December: RDG meeting 18 December: TFCM meeting (to discuss RDG comments) January 2016: Report sent to February ESSC 17 June 2015 TFCM
Thank you for your attention! 17 June 2015 TFCM