PreAlgebra Project #1 Due 8 Sep 2014 NUMB3RS IN MY LIFE PreAlgebra Project #1 Due 8 Sep 2014
Directions BRAINSTORM PERSONAL FACTS In what month or on which day were you born? What is your street number address? How many siblings in your family? What is the sum of all ages in your house? Generate 8 facts – each one has a numerical marker. Transform each fact into an arithmetic expression using known operations.
Numbers in my life 5 -- my birth month – which is shown in the expression (√9 + √4). When simplified you get 5 which is the month of May. 16 – that’s how many letters are in my full name and is found in the expression: 7 + 32 62 – nearly the same expression (7 • 32) – 1 represents my age.
Project due date is 8 Sep 14 Brainstorm in class and at home about the numbers in your life. On card stock or construction paper, create your 9-box layout. Decorate each of the 8 boxes that contain your numbers with math expressions. Place a picture of yourself in one of the nine boxes. Check out sample projects.