The Giver journals Answer the prompt At least 6 sentences Use your best writing/handwriting Label each prompt correctly with date and chapter numbers
Chapters 1-2 What job would you be assigned within the community? Why? How would you function within the society? What would be the positives and negatives to your assignment?
Chapters 3-4 The society uses many terms that we are not familiar with. One of these terms is release. At this point in the novel, what do you think release means? Why are they so afraid of it? Use evidence from the text to support your argument!
Chapters 5-6 Ceremonies to celebrate milestones in each person’s life are very important to Jonas’ community. How do you feel about the ceremonies? Are there any traditions that you have in your culture or family that are similar? Explain.
Chapters 7-8 The Elder who assigns Jonas praises his courage, wisdom, and intelligence. He makes it sound like Jonas’ position is an honor. How does Jonas feel about the position? How would you feel if you were bestowed with such a great responsibility? Explain.
Chapters 9-10 Why do you think Jonas finds the final rule, “You may lie,” so unsettling? Do you think that it is ever okay to lie? Explain why or why not
Chapter 11-12 Jonas keeps his new knowledge a secret from his family and the other Twelves. Would you be able to do the same if you were in his place? Who do you feel sorry for the most- Jonas for having to keep his knowledge to himself or the rest of the community for not having the knowledge? Explain.
Chapters 13-14 How do you feel about Jonas’ training with the Giver up to this point? What has been the most interesting or surprising to you as Jonas begins to make new discoveries about his world? Explain.
Chapters 15-16 Do you think elderly people should be a part of the community, or separate, as they are in Jonas’ community? Do you think our society values the elderly? Explain your thoughts.
Chapters 17-18 Why do you think Jonas’ relationships with his family and friends are changing? Do you believe that these relationships can be salvaged, or will Jonas continue to feel separated from everyone? Explain.
Chapters 19-20 When Jonas discovers that his father lied to him, how did you feel about the situation? Do you think that Jonas’ reaction was justified? Explain.
Chapters 21-22 Do you think Jonas made the right choice in these chapters? Why or why not?
Chapter 23 What message do you think that Lois Lowry was trying to send her readers with this novel? Why is it an important message? Explain your thoughts and use examples from the text to support your ideas.