Summer School & Summer Opportunities 2019
ACCESS June 24th - August 9th Weekly classes are held at Valencia High School Courses are offered via independent study and meet PYLUSD graduation requirements; however the courses are not UC A-G approved. Students meet with teachers once a week to turn in work, receive assistance and take tests. Registration deadline: April 22, 2019 Enrollment appointments will be held at YLHS on Thursday, May 2nd. Additional enrollment date on Saturday, May 4th at the District office.
ACCESS Course Offerings English 9-12th Algebra 2 World History Business Math US History Personal & Family Finance Civics Health Economics Careers Biology Psychology Earth Science Intro Social Media Physical Science Algebra 1 Geometry
IMPACT June 24th - August 2nd Classes held at Valencia High School Registration deadline: May 8th Hybrid program Students work via APEX learning online courses at home and attend site twice per week to take tests and receive assistance from credentialed PYLUSD teachers. Courses Offered: Health Careers
PACIFIC COAST HIGH SCHOOL (PCHS) JULY 1 - AUGUST 7 UC approved ONLINE program Students have 24/7 access Weekly submission of work is required Math courses have a mandatory in person final on August 7th. Math Tutor labs are now offered. Attendance at labs twice per week will be required for Algebra 1 and Geometry courses.
PCHS College Prep: Non-College Prep English 9-12 US History World History Government Economics Algebra 1 Geometry Trigonometry Pre-Calculus Non-College Prep Cyber Skills Health Career PE A PE B
APPLICATION DEADLINES ACCESS: April 22, 2019 by 8 am IMPACT: May 8, 2019 by 8 am PCHS: May 8, 2019 by 8am Applications are taken as first come first serve.
FULLERTON COLLEGE 4 week sessions (students may only pick 1 of the sessions) Session 1: June 17th - July 17th - 8:30-11:20 Mon - Thurs. Session 2: July 8 - August 6th - 8:30 - 11:20 Mon - Thurs. Classes are held at the PYLUSD Professional Development Academy The courses offered are college level courses on an intensive summer schedule taught by Fullerton College professors. Representative from Fullerton will be at YLHS to assist in registering and enrolling students.
FULLERTON COLLEGE COURSE OFFERINGS Session 1: June 17 - July 17th Art 110 Ethnic Studies 150 Session 2: July 8 - August 6
OTHER SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES Community College Courses University Enrichment Programs Community Service Summer Job Job Fair - April 27th, 9am - 12:00pm Century High School Register for the event
OTHER SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES In order to take summer school classes outside of ACCESS, IMPACT, PCHS and FULLERTON a External Course Request form would need to be completed and turned in to students counselor before taking summer course. External Course Form YLHS website