Internal Parenthetical Citations and Transitions English 10 Mr. LoNigro
What is internal citation? How you tell your reader that you borrowed information from another source. In short, it protects you from committing plagiarism. For example: The internet began when the U.S. Military funded the research for a device that could help soldiers communicate better with one another (Marson 14). So, (Marson 14) tells your reader that the quotation comes from page 14 of a work by Marson. Then, readers could find the complete publication on your works cited page: Marson, Robert M. The Origins of the World Wide Web. New York: Penguin Publishing Group, 2007.
When should I use internal citations? Use it: After a quote or partial quote After others’ ideas, even if in your own words After others’ opinions, even if in your own words Little known facts Essentially, use it after every note Do NOT use it: After your own opinions Well-known facts Ex: The Steelers did not win the Super Bowl last year.
Where does the internal citation go? Place the citation at the end of the sentence containing the information being documented. Citations appear at the end of the sentence, but before the end punctuation. Place the citation inside of (parentheses) Example: The internet began when the U.S. Military funded the research for a device that could help soldiers communicate better with one another (Marson 14).
How do I include internal citations? Here is a list of the most common types of parenthetical citation: All Information Present No Page number No Author No Author/Page number Long Quote - (Author Page #) - (Author) - (Title Page Number) - (Title) - (Page Number)
Can I use more than 1 note in a single sentence? YES!!! You may use more than 1 note in a single sentence as long as it is appropriate. Like all citations, place it [citation] at the end of the sentence and in a single parenthesis. Citations should be in the order they are used in the sentence. Separate citations with a semicolon ; Example: (Tyler 38; Derek 4; Cook 89)
What is a long quote and how do I cite it? Long quotes are 4 or more typed lines long Indent long quotes 1 TAB or 10 spaces from the left margin Do NOT use quotation marks for a long quote Introduce a long quote by identifying the source information Use a colon mark (:) after you identify the source info Place the citation at the end of the long quote Example: At the conclusion of Lord of the Flies, Ralph and the other boys realize the horror of their actions: The tears began to flow and sobs shook him. He gave himself up to them now for the first time on the island; great, shuddering spasms of grief that seemed to wrench his whole body. His voice rose under the black smoke before the burning wreckage of the island. (186)
Are there any special rules? YES!!! If you have 2 consecutive notes that are from the same source, use the following rule: After the first note, include a complete parenthetical citation. For each subsequent direct quote, paraphrase or summary that immediately follows ONLY PUT THE PAGE NUMBER IN PARENTHESIS. Example: The Fourteenth Amendment contains an equal protection clause which states the separation of church and state (Arbetman 95). The Supreme Court also voiced its opinion that having religion affiliated with public schooling is unconstitutional (95). ***NOTE: THIS RULE ONLY WORKS IF YOU HAVE PAGE NUMBERS!
Any questions? If you have any questions regarding internal citations, please ask me individually. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A CITATION AFTER EVERY NOTE!!!
How to turn your research into good paragraphs Transitions! How to turn your research into good paragraphs
Where do you find transitions? What is a transition? Where do you find transitions?
Transitions: two kinds There are two kinds of transitions you will be dealing with in your research paper. #1 Transitions between Paragraphs – A transition between paragraphs mentions something of the paragraph before it and something about the paragraph about to be read
Transitions BETWEEN paragraphs When writing a research paper your transitions between paragraphs won’t be just words such as “first, next, last.” The transition will usually be a COMPLEX or COMPOUND sentence and must logically lead your reader from subtopic to subtopic. Example: “Despite Elvis Presley’s humble birth and normal childhood, he was about to begin one of the most famous singing careers of the 20th century.”
Please! No one-word transitions! Please do not try to use one word to transition from paragraph to paragraph in a research paper; it is just not enough.
#2 Transitions WITHIN a paragraph As with transitions between sections and paragraphs, transitions within paragraphs act as cues by helping readers to anticipate what is coming before they read it. Within paragraphs, transitions tend to be single words or short phrases. IF YOU PLAN TO USE A QUOTE FROM YOUR RESEARCH you MUST introduce the quote, and/or explain why it is there. For example: The Rock and Roll Encyclopedia has pointed out that, “Elvis Presley’s contribution to American music cannot be overstated” (Parsons 254).
All of that information…. The research you have taken on your cards are like pieces of a puzzle. When you put the pieces together, you use in-paragraph transitions so that they make sense together. Because you may have gotten the information from many sources, you have to put them together so that they make a logical paragraph.
In-paragraph Transitions show RELATIONSHIPS between sentences!!! Transitions show a relationship between sentences. As you look at each note card, ask yourself: Am I adding information to the last sentence? (additionally, along with, on top of that, thus). Am I giving an example of information? (for example, in fact). Am I showing a contrast between two pieces of information? (Even though, in contrast, just the opposite, in spite of that, although). Am I giving events as they happened in order? (The first thing, next, secondly) Am I giving information that happened as a result of something? (as a result, because of this, it followed that).
BEFORE YOU BEGIN WRITING A NEW PARAGRAPH… Ask yourself: What is the topic of this paragraph? Can I explain the topic in a sentence and support it with reasoning and research with at least 4 sentences? Then, ask yourself, how does this paragraph actually connect to the paragraph before it? This will help you write your TRANSITION SENTENCES which are a requirement for this paper. The TRANSITION SENTENCES go AT THE BEGINNING of the paragraph and lead into it from the paragraph before it. See the student example. While you write the paragraph, make sure you are explaining your topic. Take every opportunity to SHOW HOW THE INFO IN YOUR PARAGRAPH HAS IMPACTED AMERICAN SOCIETY. Always explain and introduce quotes so that they SUPPORT what you are saying, not take its place. As soon as you use information from a card, cite it with the source at the end of the sentence and add in any page number if necessary.
Sample of Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 Notes: “Dances at the beginning of the century were stiffer and more proper than what we are accustomed today” (Schwartz). Parents wanted a way to get their daughter to meet a boy before the end of high school because they usually got married soon after (Jordan). “No one with any sense gets married as a teenager anymore” (Jordan). According to one source, “dances at the beginning of the century were stiffer and more proper than what we are accustomed today” (Schwartz). Therefore, instead of being just for fun, parents wanted a way to get their daughter to meet a prospective husband before the end of high school because they usually got married soon after (Jordan). However, one modern high school student has pointed out that “no one with any sense gets married as a teenager anymore” (Jordan).
Final Activity! Create a strong transition sentence that would move the reader from a paragraph about…. How Nike shoe company got its start …to a paragraph about…. The new technology Nike company is using in manufacturing its products