Special Education Services in Charter Schools Juana Burchell Illinois State of Education Charter Schools Special Education Services State Coordinator
About the Application Process In Illinois, local school districts are the primary authorizers of charter schools. In case of denial, the applicant has the option to access the appeal process and submit the request to the State Charter School Commission Upon approval from either, the application is forwarded to ISBE. Special Education is part of the entire application and should not be submitted separately.
Legal Implications § Treatment of charter schools and their students. (a) Rights of children with disabilities. (b) Charter schools that are public schools of the LEA
Legal Implications i) Serve children with disabilities attending those charter schools in the same manner as the LEA serves children with disabilities in its other schools, ii) Provide funds under Part B of the Act to those charter schools
Funds (A) On the same basis as the LEA provides funds to the LEAs other public schools, including proportional distribution based on relative enrollment of children with disabilities; and (B) At the same time as the LEA distributes other Federal funds to the LEAs other public schools, consistent with the States charter school law.
About the Application Process ISBE looks for compliance The applicant is asked to include the information required, make changes, add/or clarification. Once all of the sections are approved a recommendation for certification is made
About the Rubric History To ensure that both parties of a charter contract fully understand their respective obligations under the contract with respect to IDEA, both initial and renewal charter proposals should address a variety of issues related to special education.
Rubric as a Mean to The rubric prompts applicants to (i) describe special education and related services that will be provided, (ii) propose the procedures and practices that will be used as these services are implemented, and (iii) identify the personnel responsible for the successful implementation of services.
Lets Look at the Rubric Column 1 refers to what the requirements are. Column 2 refers to the way that services will be implemented. Column 3 refers to how the relationship with the district is going to take place. This rubric as part of the rest of the application is binding.
Refer to the Rubric Now
Resources Under Legislation, Rules, and Policy