Seminar Tittles 1-Modeling and Optimization of soft-error reliability of Sequential circuits. 2-Statistical Estimation of Sequential Circuit Activities. 3-Analisis and design of reliable mixed Signal CMOS Circuits. 4 A Monte-Carlo Approach for the Accurate an Efficient Estimation of Average Transition Probabilities of sequential logic circuits 5-NOC System Reliability 6- Defect Tolerance In VLSI Circuits (chapter8)
7- Fault Detection in Cryptographic Systems( chapter 9) 8- FPGA Reliability and Fault Tolerance 9- Reliable Computing Systems 10- IEEE-Rs Reliability Standards 11- Reliability Prediction for Electronic 12- Dependability for Embedded Systems 13- ABFT 14- Microelectronics Reliability and Availability 15- DOE ( Design of Experience ) tools
16. Routing and reconfiguration in systems with faulty nodes/links Aversky and Natchev, "Dynamic reconfiguration in computer clusters with irregular topologies in the ...", IEEE TC, May 2005 17. Fault tolerance in cellular networks Yang et. al "A fault-tolerant distributed channel allocation scheme for cellular networks", IEEE TC, May 2005 18. Crosstalk tolerant bus encoding schemes
19. Life span computation using multiple voltage and multiple frequency controls Weglarz, Saluja and Mak, "Testing of hard faults in simultaneous multithreaded processors," International On-Line Test Symposium, June 2004. This is a research project you can see Eric Weglarz and me about this 20 . Use of recursive redundancy to improve reliability IEEE Desing and Test, Aug/Sep 2005 21. Fault tolerant methods in modern speculative processors
22. Fault tolerance and reconfigurable memory systems 23. MEM based systems and fault-tolerance requirements 24. Reconfiguration for fault-tolerance (use of FPGAs) 25. Evaluation tools such as SHARP and USAN - compare and contrast
Case Studies: 26. Tandam/Compaq: Prepare a survey of the fault tolerance techniques of the Compaq NonStop Himalaya Servers. (expand it to widen the scope and include more recent products of various manufacturers of ICs and systems) 27. Fault tolerant in Automotive systems: Prepare a survey of fault tolerance techniques that are used in automobiles. Include systems like engine management, drive by wire and steer by wire. (A System-Safety Process for By-Wire Systems Delphi Secured Microcontroller Architecture Motronic Engine Management. contains all tech publications) 28. Fault-tolerant features of modern processors - compare and contrast you may look at the websites of Intel, IBM, HP, Sun, etc.
29. Algorithmic based fault-tolerance 30. System level diagnosis - distributed algorithms 31. Fault-tolerant transaction processing systems 32. Measures of software reliability 33. Validation and verification techniques 34. Fault tolerance in wireless systems