ETHICAL EMPLOYMENT IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN – ACTION PLAN 2018 - 2021 ENFORCEMENT ETHICAL PROCUREMENT EMPLOYMENT ENVIRONMENT Improving intelligence gathering through compliance with the Code of Practice Promoting the development of ethical supply chains in the delivery of contracts for the police service in Wales All Wales working to a common policy with buy in across the organisations impacting mainstream and day to day business The public in Wales is not a bystander and reports exploitation in all its forms COMMITMENT ACTION 2 Effective communication of Whistle Blowing policy throughout the region 3 Develop an action plan for Officer and PSC Operator training on Code of Practice 5 Identification of intelligence gaps in relation to existing suppliers Agreement required between Heads of Procurement and Directors of Intelligence regarding data cleansing of existing suppliers and process to be developed and implemented COMMITMENT ACTION 1 Modern Slavery Statement to be produced 3 Identify high risk areas / roles for targeted training 4 Prepare Modern Slavery Tender Quality Questions and make compatible for etenderportal. Share across Wales Forces 5 & 6 Encourage existing higher risk suppliers to view Welsh Government video and incorporate into tender for new suppliers where relevant 5.2 Report on payment performance and to publish quarterly 6 Identify high risk suppliers – targeted communication to be issued to those suppliers 7 Regular spend analysis in place – develop a risk assessment and share knowledge and experience across public sector in Wales and establish sub group under National Police Procurement Executive to develop a national plan for police service Add into contract terms the right to investigation and establish accountability 7.3 Establish a clear process for how breaches will be dealt with 9 New questions to be added to ensure all workers are free to join a Trade Union COMMITMENT ACTION 1 Produce a collaborative, joined up policy and approach to be taken across Wales and with our partners 2 Development of an All Wales whistle blowing policy with specific reference to the Code of Practice 3 All staff to watch the 4 minute Welsh Government YouTube Video Obtain agreement on whether Ethical Dilemmas can be shared across forces and with Welsh Government to promote good practice 8 Recruitment policy to be updated to reference the Code of Practice and specify ethical employment Employment contract to confirm that employees are expected to comply with the Code of Practice 9 All Wales consultation meeting with the Trade Unions – raise the Code of Practice and ensure it is on their agenda 10.2 Apply to be an accredited Living Wage Employer 12 Covered by well defined TUPE Regulations which the Forces adhere to COMMITMENT ACTION 1.1 Appoint Anti Slavery and Ethical Employment Champions 2.1 Public Procurement Review Service, Feedback Service (Wales) and Crime Stoppers mechanism available. Unseen App installed on SWP devices. 3 Work with DSD and their equivalents across all Forces to incorporate UnSeen App on Force issued devices 6 Approach Welsh BBC to sign up to the Code of Practice Approach Business in the Community to sign up to the Code of Practice Engage Youth Groups / Schools / Colleges 11 Annual Statement to be co-ordinated by the Champions Key Blue = Completed Action Green = Action on track No colour = Action not yet started NB. Action numbers correspond to the Welsh Government Ethical Supply Chains Code of Practice commitments
ETHICAL EMPLOYMENT IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN – ACTION PLAN 2018 - 2021 Additional actions identified for Welsh Government – Sue Hurrell ACTION Reward and Recognition scheme to be devised and implemented with consideration given to Bronze, Silver and Gold awards Set of key messages / quotables to be developed e.g. ‘when does a bargain become a crime’, to aid with engaging the public Develop campaign material / targeted campaigns Consider use of QR code on posters