Diffendoofer vs. Flobbertown Who do we want to be? Presented by: Katharina Reed EDSL660, April 2013
How do we want to succeed ? “ We’ve taught you that the earth is round, that red and white make pink, And something else that matters more – We’ve taught you how to think,” Dr. Seuss Diffendoofer “ For everyone in Flobbertown does everything the same. It’s miserable in Flobbertown, They dress in just one style. They sing one song, they never dance, They march in single file” Dr. Seuss Flobbertown
My mission as a teacher librarian: There were questions about noodles, about poodles, frogs, and yelling, About listening and laughing, and chrysanthemums and smelling. There were questions about other things we’d never seen or heard, And yet we somehow answered them, Enjoying every word Diffendoofer students in the book Hooray for Diffendoofer Day, by Dr. Seuss My mission as a teacher librarian: Empower students to become critical thinkers Enthusiastic readers Skillful researchers Ethical users of information
Together, as teachers, we support students success by guiding them to: Read for understanding breadth and pleasure (provide fiction and non-fiction books to complement the curriculum, the standards, and current student interests) Use information for defined and self-defined purposes (make i-search and subject specific research fun and consistent through out the school) Build on prior knowledge and construct new knowledge. (create projects that motivate students by consistently boosting their self- esteem and provide resources at all times) Embrace the world of information and all its formats (provide a variety of learning tools to reach all learners and create visual and media literacy by offering a wide variety of formats. Teach the big six research process) Work collaboratively for learning (be collaborative role models, and team teach) Constructively assess their own and their peers work (provide a variety of assessing tools along the way and as much as possible) Become their own best critic (success!!!) Empowering Learners, p. 18
Information Specialist Collaboration Instructional Partner I can help you develop assignments and match it to your academic standards. Talk to me and let me know where you would like or need help Include critical thinking skills and technology I have a variety of resources Teach information literacy skills and ethical use I know my stuff, you know yours. Let me help Implement assessment strategies before, during and after assignments Yes, I can help you assess too, especially the research aspects. Empowering Learners, p. 17 Information Specialist I can help you Assist in the creation of engaging and appropriate learning tools Looking for a new idea or method? I might be able to help Introduce and model strategies for finding, evaluating, and using information How great would it be to teach the same strategy through out the school. The kids could really become proficient. Provide 24/7 access to library resources, including pathfinders to streamline research (Just ask) With any citation or plagiarism questions. (I know my stuff here, let’s keep it consistent in this school) Empowering Learners, p. 17
Your librarian, your co-teacher, instructional partner and information specialist Let’s be gribbulous and grobbulous and embrace the diffendooferous.
Works Cited Empowering Learners, Guidelines For School Library Media Programs. Chicago: American association of School Librarians, 2009. Print. Seuss, Dr. Hooray for Diffendoofer Day. NY: Knopf, 1998. Print.