One that lacks a subject Fragments—An error that occurs when an incomplete sentence is punctuates as if it were complete. Types of fragments— One that lacks a subject She baked a cake. Took it to the party. One that lacks a complete verb She has a new computer. It very powerful. On that is a subordinate clause She has two magazines. Which she’s not read. One that lacks both subject and verb The next morning. We talked to Jon. “Took it to the party” doesn’t have a subject. “It very powerful” lacks a verb “Which she’s not read” is the subordinate clause “The next morning” has neither a subject nor a verb
Types of run-on sentences— Comma Splice Run-on Sentences—two or more complete sentences written as though they were one sentence Types of run-on sentences— Comma Splice I don’t know where the pens are, they were on that desk. No punctuation between independent clauses Ted scored thirty points Sam scored ten points. Two independent clauses without a comma before one of the FANBOYS The robins usually arrive in the spring and they start building nests at once. EX 1: you could put a period/semicolon between those clauses. You could also put a FANBOY with a comma. EX 3: this is what I have seen the most of. Make sure to study those comma rules!!
TASK: Get in a group of 3-4 people. In your groups, you are to create a 10 question quiz on the material covered yesterday and today. Commas, semicolons, sentence fragments, run-on sentences. You must have two questions for each topic covered The remaining questions are up to you Make sure to provide directions as well as an answer key (on a separate sheet of paper). You will receive a grade based partially on how challenging you make your questions (they do not need to be the hardest ever, but they do need to challenge). KEEP YOUR PHONE AWAY DURING THIS PART. YOU ARE TO SOLELY USE YOUT BRAIN.