Neami Limited The Role of NGOs in the Provision of Community Mental Health Services
Neamis Vision Neami aspires to be a leading provider of community mental health rehabilitation and support services. We are committed to innovation and excellence in rehabilitation services, including housing and support, that equip people with a psychiatric disability to thrive in a changing and challenging world.
Neamis Mission Improving mental health and wellbeing in local communities
Who is Neami? Neami is a non government (non profit) mental health service organisation that provides rehabilitation and support to people who experience serious mental health illness and require assistance in areas of skill development, personal recovery, social contact and housing.
Neamis Values Self determination Self determination Hope Hope Change Change Respect Respect Growth Growth Choice Choice Empowerment Empowerment Wellbeing Wellbeing Learning Learning Partnerships Partnerships Quality Quality Acceptance of diversity Acceptance of diversity
Neami Services Victoria Victoria 3 service sites 1 purpose built art studio Business Services New South Wales New South Wales 10 service sites South Australia South Australia 4 service sites
Neamis Structure
Neami Board of Directors The role of the Board of Directors is governance, compliance, risk assessment and focusing on the broader issues of organisational purpose, including the setting and monitoring of strategic directions and the establishment and monitoring of Board level policies.
Neamis Model of Service Neami provides psychosocial rehabilitation to adults 16 – 64 years of age with a serious mental illness. Neami takes a holistic view of individuals mental health in partnership with consumers, carers, clinical mental health services, housing providers, local community services and local government.
The Team Approach Neami utilises the Team Approach to ensure quality and consistent services to consumers. Neami utilises the Team Approach to ensure quality and consistent services to consumers. Neami provides support via teams of Community Rehabilitation and Support staff who work with a number of consumers allocated to their team/service. Neami provides support via teams of Community Rehabilitation and Support staff who work with a number of consumers allocated to their team/service. Consumers build a rapport with the team and this builds an experience of the service as opposed to an experience with only one individual worker. Consumers build a rapport with the team and this builds an experience of the service as opposed to an experience with only one individual worker.
Community Rehabilitation and Support Workers CRSW staff provide a range of rehabilitation and support to consumers which are tailored to their needs. It includes learning/relearning social and recreational skills, daily living skills, and skills to access a range of community services. Much of Neamis work is about social inclusion, community and community connections.
Neamis History Neami has gone through four clear phases of development: Evolution phase Evolution phase Growth phase Growth phase Consolidation phase Consolidation phase Interstate growth phase Interstate growth phase
Neami Federal Funding Neami is funded by the following Commonwealth Government Departments: Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Department of Health and Aging Department of Health and Aging
Neami State Funding Neami is funded by the following State Government Departments: Victoria Victoria Department of Human Services – Mental Health Branch Department of Human Services – Mental Health Branch New South Wales New South Wales Department of Health Department of Health South Australia South Australia Department of Health Department of Health Department for Families and Communities Department for Families and Communities
Neamis Growth - Consumers
Neamis Growth - Employees
Neamis Growth - Funding
Neami Attributes Outcome measures Outcome measures Accreditation Accreditation Training, development and research Training, development and research Functional partnerships Functional partnerships Infrastructure Infrastructure Continuous improvement and learning culture Continuous improvement and learning culture
HASI Evaluation 85% of consumers stayed in HASI and maintained their tenancy 85% of consumers stayed in HASI and maintained their tenancy Hospitalisation rates, in terms of frequency and duration were reduced for 84% of participants Hospitalisation rates, in terms of frequency and duration were reduced for 84% of participants 43% of people were working and / or studying 43% of people were working and / or studying 71% of consumers reported improved mental health, 60% improved physical health, 67% improved diet, 78% felt more positive about themselves. 71% of consumers reported improved mental health, 60% improved physical health, 67% improved diet, 78% felt more positive about themselves. 83% of consumers were participating in at least three community activities 83% of consumers were participating in at least three community activities 23% of consumers did not have any friends when they started with HASI, 94% reported that they had established friendships by Phase 3. 23% of consumers did not have any friends when they started with HASI, 94% reported that they had established friendships by Phase 3. 81% of consumers said they were satisfied or more than satisfied with their family relationships. 81% of consumers said they were satisfied or more than satisfied with their family relationships. Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, The Housing and Accommodation Support Initiative Report, 2006
Key Future Directions Continue with interstate growth Continue with interstate growth Research to improve practice Research to improve practice Introduce more evidence based practice Introduce more evidence based practice Further research, education and development Further research, education and development Influence policy makers and governments for national standards in the provision of psychosocial rehabilitation and support services. Influence policy makers and governments for national standards in the provision of psychosocial rehabilitation and support services.
The End