Raju and Radioactive Neutrino Source Experiments Jonathan Link Virginia Tech Symposium on the Life and Science of Raju Raghavan 10/20/2012
The LENS-Sterile Proposal The LENS Detector 51Cr Advantages of LENS: Great spatial resolution (optical lattice) A low threshold charged current interaction.
Electron Capture Neutrino Sources In 1973 Luis Alvarez proposed using a 65Zn source to calibrate Ray Davis’ chlorine detector. Since then several such source have been proposed: Isotope τ½ Eν Max Production Mechanism Gammas Notes 65Zn 244 d 1.3 MeV Thermal neutron capture 770 & 345 keV (50%) Proposed by Alvarez 51Cr 27.7 d 750 keV 320 keV (10%) Proposed by Raghavan, used by Gallex and SAGE 152Eu 13 y 1.05 MeV Unknown 121 keV -1.7 MeV (100%) Proposed by Cribier and Spiro 37Ar 34.9 d 812 keV Fast neutron 40Ca(n,α)37Ar Internal Brem. only Proposed by Haxton, used by SAGE
Jonathan Link, Columbia ICFP05 The LSND Experiment LSND took data from 1993-98 The full dataset represents nearly 49,000 Coulombs of protons on target. p+ m+ nm Baseline of 30 meters Energy range of 20 to 55 MeV L/E of about 1m/MeV ne p e+ n e+ nmne n+H→D+γ LSND’s Signature Scintillation Čerenkov 2.2 MeV neutron capture Jonathan Link, Columbia ICFP05 October 4, 2005
The MiniBooNE Experiment
51Cr as a Mono-Energetic Neutrino Source K shell capture L shell capture
The Expected Solar Spectrum in LENS
The 51Cr Signal in LENS
The LENS-Sterile Sensitivity
SNO+ Sensitivity Case Study 90% CL contours
Borexino Sensitivity (See Aldo Ianni’s Talk) Borexino is the only detector where we know this will work. One can use the vast solar phase to subtract backgrounds. 10 MCi Source 8.25 m Source Under Detector Jonathan Link 9/14/2012