DSPD oversees the following business processes: Contact Process – This occurs whenever someone contacts DSPD to inquire about services for themselves, a relative, or someone for whom they are legally responsible. This process also includes people seeking referrals to other agencies. Intake Process – When a consumer makes application for DSPD services this process starts by collecting information that is used to assess a consumers eligibility for services. Over time, this information may be updated to reflect changes in the consumers status or condition. Eligibility Process – When sufficient information has been gathered, an eligibility decision is made. If the consumer is found to meet State requirements, they are placed on the waiting list for services. If they do not meet State requirements, they are notified and the process ends. When transitioning into Services, this process also covers Financial Eligibility, Medicaid Eligibility, and a Level of Care Determination.
Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD) DSPD oversees the following business processes (Continued): Waiting List Process – When a consumer is found eligible for State services, they are placed on the DSPD waiting list. Depending on their level of need(s), and funds available, they may be on the waiting list for some time. This process includes an annual contact process to determine ongoing eligibility to remain on the waiting list and to identify the specific services the person is waiting for. Support Coordination Process – When a consumer enters services, this process begins with and includes building an annual Person Centered Support Plan for them along with an appropriate budget(s). Supports and services are arranged on the consumers behalf with providers and family. This process also includes Medicaid disenrollment, and closing or ending of services when a consumer no longer meets eligibility criteria.
Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS) Consists of the following elements:
Please Note: Topics in this slide presentation are hyperlinked to the online USTEPS Help Manual. If you are connected to the internet, clicking on the links will take you to that portion of the Help Manual where the topic is covered in more detail. If you have any questions about this or any other USTEPS Topic, please contact the USTEPS team at (801) , or us at Thank You! Your USTEPS Team Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)
Initial Contact Decision: –Intake workers manage the Intake process.Intake USTEPS provides a way to track calls about a consumercalls USTEPS provides a way to record referrals made to other agencies.referrals USTEPS provides a way to gather information about a prospective consumer and begin the intake process intake process Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)
Intake Data Collection:Data Collection –Data is collected in the following areas to help make the decision on a consumers eligibility for DSPD State services. Assessments and Evaluations Social History Diagnosis Functional Limitations Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)
Eligibility for State Services: –Intake workers manage the Eligibility Process.Eligibility Process –(See graphic of the Eligibility Process on the next slide) Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)
Eligibility for State Services (continued): –Eligibility decisions are made by the Intake worker or designated QMRP/ABISCdecisions –Eligibility cases can be sent up the line to the Eligibility Committee, for recommendation(s) on the Eligibility decision Eligibility Committee Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)
Activation / Inactivation Inactivation / Re-activation, as requested by the Consumer, is performed by the Intake worker.Inactivation / Re-activation Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)
Waiting List Placement: –Intake/Waiting List workers manage Waiting List placement Once a consumer is found to be eligible for State services, they are immediately placed on the waiting list within USTEPS Tasks to be completed, in the following order, are: –Waiting List Information – This is done first. If they have immediate needs, then a Needs Assessment is done.Waiting List Information –Needs Assessment: Information summarizing multiple categories is enteredNeeds Assessment –Needs Assessment Score: Scores from 0-4 are entered for each category in the Needs AssessmentNeeds Assessment Score Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)
Waiting List Management: –Intake/Waiting List workers manage the Waiting List Once a consumer is on the waiting list they remain on the waiting list until they are either brought into services, or their eligibility status changes Tasks in this area include: –Waiting List Survey: To assess the consumers current needs, and insure that the consumer is still eligible for servicesWaiting List Survey –Updating Waiting List Information – The needs that a consumer is waiting for are updatedWaiting List Information –Managing Waiting List Survey Contact AttemptsSurvey Contact Attempts –Inactivation / Re-activation, as requested by the Consumer (Intake Processing only)Inactivation / Re-activation –Removal from the Waiting List, when the Consumer is no longer eligible for services, or cant be located or chooses to be removed from the listRemoval from the Waiting List Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)
Entry into services: –Intake workers manage the Intake and Eligibility processes.IntakeEligibility –Intake/Wait list workers manage the Wait List Placement and Wait List Management Processes.Wait List Placement Wait List Management –Support Coordinators work with the consumer and the Health Department to determine Waiver Eligibility.Eligibility –Each Waiver has unique business rules and a workflow for: Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)ABI Intellectual disability (ID) Related Conditions (RC)RC Physical Disability (PD) -Support Coordinators work with the consumer to determine Financial Eligibility Financial -Support coordinators manage the transition into services process and perform case management for the consumer while they are in services. Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)
Person Centered Support Planning: –An initial plan for Support Coordination is prepared to facilitate service to the consumer while the Person Centered Support Plan is developed –Person Centered Support Planning (PCSP) has a focus on goals that are important TO the consumer.PCSP –Person Centered Support Planning is an Annual process –Support coordinators develop this plan using input from the consumer, their families, and chosen providers Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)
Support Coordinators Develop and Manage Consumer Budgets:Budgets –Budget management is part of the PCSP process Fiscal Year expendituresFiscal Year Planning cycle expendituresPlanning cycle Pro-Forma Budget –Support coordinators work with Contract Analysts in developing and managing Consumer Budgets Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)
Manage Supports and Services: – Managing Supports and Services is part of the PCSP process PCSP process Documenting the Amount, Duration, and Frequency (ADF) of purchased services (ADF) of purchased services –Support coordinators work with the consumer, their families, and chosen providers in developing, implementing, and managing supports and services Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)
Dis-enrollment Process (Medicaid) – This happens when the consumer is no longer eligible for Waiver services: Consumer moves out of state Change in medical diagnosis or status Different than closing an episodeclosing an episode – This can result in the consumer either staying in State Services (waiver dis-enrollment only) or leaving DSPD Services completely. Support coordinators work with the consumers family, service providers, and other agencies in dis-enrolling a consumer from Waiver Services.dis-enrolling a consumer Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)
Provider Billing Review Process (coming soon to USTEPS) Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)
Authorization and Payment Process (coming soon to USTEPS) Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)
Using the Help Manual The Manuals Table of Contents and Index are sorted alphabetically The opening screen of the Manual is the Introduction to USTEPS and contains: Whats New sections Application Scope section Basic information on using USTEPS Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)
Using the Help Manual (continued) The manual contains both Books and Pages Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)
Using the Help Manual (continued) Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)
Using the Help Manual (continued) Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)
Using the Help Manual (continued) You can also find topics in the manual by using the Search function: Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)
Using the Help Manual (continued) Type in the topic you want to search, and press the Enter key on your keyboard. The search results are shown like this: Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS) Search Criteria Search Results * Clicking on the search results will open that topic in the Help Manuals window, where it can be viewed or printed.
Using the Help Manual (continued) Hyperlinks are on many pages in the manual. Clicking on them will take you to a more detailed explanation of the topic. Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)
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If you have any questions about this presentation or any other USTEPS topic, please contact the USTEPS team at (801) , or us at Thank You! Your USTEPS Team Utah System for Tracking Eligibility, Planning, and Services (USTEPS)