Welcome to Honors American Civilization 9 Mr. Jon Holloran
Who Am I? 10th year at CR South Holland & Richboro Middle Schools Honors 9 & AP U.S. Holland & Richboro Middle Schools Education West Chester University Arcadia University La Salle University
Important Information Opening Letter to Parents Email address: jholloran@crsd.org Contact Information Google Classroom Required Materials 3 Ring Binder Flash Drive Homework Website Absences and Make Up Work Email is crucial Missed Test or Quiz
Course Overview Assessments: Quizzes and Tests (Return Policy) Homework Classwork Projects (individual and group) Writing Assignments Thesis Paper
Grading Total points average
Please, never hesitate to email me with questions or concerns Clinic Room 227 Specifically on Tuesdays and Thursdays By appointment on any other day ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please, never hesitate to email me with questions or concerns