ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library
THE PHILOSOPHY OF ITSM IT is the business and The business is IT
Introduction The realization that Information is the most Important strategic resource in an Organization is growing The key to the collection, analysis, production and distribution of information within an organization is the quality of the IT Services provided to the business
Challenge The challenge for IT managers is to co-ordinate and work in partnership with the Business to deliver high quality IT Services While adopting a more business and customer oriented approach to delivering services and cost optimisation
Service A service is a means of delivering value to customers by facilitating outcomes customers want to achieve without the ownership of specific costs and risks Eg: “Sales people spending more time interacting with the customers” facilitated by “a remote access service that enables reliable access to corporate sales systems from sales people’s laptops”
Service…… Customer outcomes are the genesis of services The value of the service to the customer is directly dependent on how well it facilitates these outcomes The Service Provider would own the specific costs and risks
What is Service Management Service Management is a set of specialized organizational capabilities for providing value to customers in the form of services and …… A set of Functions and Processes for managing the Services over their Lifecycle
Service Management … Service management is concerned with more than just delivering services Each service, process or infrastructure component has a life cycle, and service management considers the entire lifecycle from strategy through design and transition to operation and continual improvement
Service Management … It is also a professional practice supported by an extensive body of knowledge, experience and skills Industry best practices, academic research, formal standards Origins – Traditional service businesses – Hospitality, Airlines, Banks,……
I T I L ITIL is a public framework that describes Best Practice in IT Service Management Philosophy – Good practice structures with room for self-optimization
Benefits increased user and customer satisfaction with IT services Improved service availability, directly leading to increased business profits and revenue financial savings from reduced rework, lost time, improved resource management and usage
What makes I T I L successful Common sense approach to service management Do what works Common framework of practices that unite all areas of IT service provision towards a single aim – delivering value to the business
Benefits… Improved time to market for new products and services Improved decision making and optimized risk
Evolution of I T I L Version 1 – 1980s… Practice of ITSM started growing Main focus – Application Development Published as a series of books between 1989 – 95 by the Central Communications and Telecommunications Agency (this agency has since been subsumed into the Office of Government Commerce) 31 books grew to over 40 books Usage principally confined to UK and Netherlands
Evolution of I T I L… Version 2 Published between 2000 – 2004 Set of seven, more closely connected and consistent books consolidated within an overall framework Worldwide acceptance
Evolution of I T I L… Version 3 Published in 2007 Life cycle approach Five core books and an Official Introduction These will be enhanced in the future by complementary publications and set of supporting web services
The Service Lifecycle
The Service Lifecycle… The ITIL Core Service Strategy Service Design Service Transition Service Operation Continual Service Improvement
The Service Lifecycle… Requirements are identified and agreed within the Service Strategy stage within a Service Level Package (SLP) and a defined set of business outcomes Passes on to the Service Design stage where a service solution is produced together with a Service Design Package (SDP) containing everything necessary to take this through the remaining stages of the lifecycle
The Service Lifecycle… The SDP passes to the Service Transition stage, where the service is evaluated, tested and validated, the Service Knowledge Management System (SKMS) is updated, and the service is transitioned into the live environment, where it enters the Service Operation stage
The Service Lifecycle… Wherever possible, Continual Service Improvement identifies opportunities for the improvement of weaknesses or failures anywhere within any of the lifecycle stages
Service Strategy ‘How do you become not optional?’ William D. Green, CEO, Accenture Thinking Why something should be done before How
Service Strategy … How to transform Service Management into a strategic asset and then to think and act in a strategic manner Helps clarify the relationships between various services, systems or processes and the business models, strategies or objectives they support
Goals and Objectives Goal – to help service providers to Operate and grow successfully in the long term Provide the ability to think and act in a strategic manner Objective – To provide direction for Growth Prioritizing investments Defining outcomes against which the effectiveness of the outcomes of the service may be measured
Service Design ‘Quality in a product or service is not what the supplier puts in. It is what the customer gets out and is willing to pay for.’ Peter Drucker, American management guru.
Service Design… The Service Design phase of the ITIL Service Lifecycle takes business requirements and, creates services and their supporting practices that meet business demands for quality, reliability and flexibility. Service Design is iterative throughout the Service Lifecycle, and begins with a solid blueprint that enables the build, test and release stages of Service Transition through the Service Design Package.
Scope Design of: New or changed services Service Portfolio and Service Catalog Technology architecture and management systems Processes required Measurement methods and metrics
Value to business Reduced total cost of ownership (TCO) Improved quality of service Improved consistency of service Easier implementation of new/changed services Improved service alignment More effective ITSM
Service Transition Transitioning services into operation without disturbing existing services
Goals Assist organizations to plan and manage service changes Deploy service releases into the production environment
Scope For transitioning new and changed services into production environment, including Release planning Building Testing Evaluation and Deployment
Value to business Ability to react quickly Management of mergers, de-mergers, acquisitions, transfer of services Higher success rate of changes and releases Better prediction of service levels and warranties Timely savings following disposal or de-commissioning Reduced level of risk
Service Operation Realizing value by operating a service effectively and efficiently
Service Operation … Coordinate and carry out day to day activities and processes to deliver and manage services at agreed levels Ongoing management of the technology that is used to deliver and support services Where the plans, designs and optimizations are executed and measured
Scope Ongoing management of: The services themselves The service management processes Technology People
Value to business Where actual value of strategy, design and transition are realized by the customers But Where business dependency usually commences
Continual Service Improvement To continually align and realign IT services to the changing business needs by identifying and implementing improvements to IT services Continually looking for ways to improve process efficiency and effectiveness as well as cost effectiveness
CSI Objectives Review, analyze and make recommendations: On improvement opportunities Service levels Improve effectiveness and efficiency in delivering services by ensuring applicable quality practices are used
Value to business Improved service quality, higher availability Gradual cost reduction and better cost justification Better information about existing services and areas for improvement Better business/IT alignment Increased flexibility and adaptability Improved communication ROI/VOI