Planning and Preparation for your Themed Drupal Site CREATING A WebSite Planning and Preparation for your Themed Drupal Site Foundation by ZURB
Outline Getting Started Work Flow for Drupal Site Creation Visit SRJC Drupal Sites; Define Project; Assess Skills; Interest, Time; Attend Training or Hire STNC Work Flow for Drupal Site Creation Gather Content; Prepare Site Map / Screen Designs; Decide on / Request a Drupal Theme / Subdomain (a.k.a. migration request); Build Your Accessible Site Site Monitoring Quality Assurance; Accessibility; Analytics
Outline Getting Started Work Flow for Drupal Site Creation Visit SRJC Drupal Sites; Define Project; Assess Skills; Interest, Time; Attend Training or Hire STNC Work Flow for Drupal Site Creation Gather Content; Prepare Site Map / Screen Designs; Decide on / Request a Drupal Theme / Subdomain (a.k.a. migration request); Build Your Accessible Site Site Monitoring Quality Assurance; Accessibility; Analytics
Getting Started Visit Other Live Drupal Sites for Ideas Define Project (scope, schedule, and resources) Assess Skills, Interest, and Time Attend Drupal Training or Hire STNC
Review Themes and Features Baker Bech Garcia Shuhaw Tauzer Basic Page X Article (Blog) Carousel Event Staff
Define the Project, part one Determine Project Scope Discuss with others (inside and outside) Goals; Audience; Message; etc.? Decide on a home page look and feel that best suits your needs? Will your site have a blog/articles? Will your site advertise events? Is this a completely new site or “copy/paste” of the old site? Will you need forms? Will you have videos? Determine an approximate page count (site map)?
Create a Preliminary Site Map
Define the Project, part two Determine Project Resources Who will be involved? Determine Project Schedule When do you want the site to “go-live”?
Determine Resources and Schedule Assess Skills, Interest, and Time Am I somewhat tech savvy (MS Office type skills)? Do I have time to learn something new? Do I have interest in becoming a Drupal “contenteditor” What is the time frame for my department or entity? Is there money budgeted to hire an STNC? Where will I get the content (photos, text, etc.) Do we need a photography and copywriting to help? Who else should be involved from my department / entity? Who else should be involved outside my department / entity? (PR?) Attend Drupal Training or Hire STNC
Outline Getting Started Work Flow for Drupal Site Creation Visit SRJC Drupal Sites; Define Project; Assess Skills; Interest, Time; Attend Training or Hire STNC Work Flow for Drupal Site Creation Gather Content; Prepare Site Map / Screen Designs; Decide on / Request a Drupal Theme / Subdomain (a.k.a. migration request); Build Your Accessible Site Site Monitoring Quality Assurance; Accessibility; Analytics
Work Flow for Drupal Site Creation Locate/gather content…text/keywords, images, PDFs, video, links, etc. Create visual layout / screen design / mockup for each page (CARP) Decide on the home page look & feel that best meets your musts & wants. Decide on your entities sub-domain Build your Accessible site!
Locate / Gather Content Sources of content Your old department or entity site SRJC Public Relations Collaboration with colleagues You
Typical Content Types Text (Headings, Paragraphs, Lists, etc.) Photographs and Images Featured carousel Teaser Image Body copy photos and graphics Graphics Videos Calendar Forms Links to External Content
Drupal Content Types Basic Pages Articles (Blogs) Events Webforms Carousel
Typical Content Contributors SRJC/External Resources Copywriters Photographers Graphic Artists Videographers You SRJC Resources Public Relations Media Services Colleagues
Determine Visual Page Layout Home Page based on Layout Look & Feel Other Pages One, Two, or Three Column
Decide on a Sub-domain etc. Words versus Acronyms? Use of Hyphens or not? Short and easy to remember
Build Your Drupal Site Have your content with you when you log in Enter your username and password Follow your site map and plan Begin by adding your content to existing pages Add additional pages as necessary Create blocks of repeating content as necessary Contact your resources if you get stuck Entity resources IT PR
Outline Getting Started Work Flow for Drupal Site Creation Visit SRJC Drupal Sites; Define Project; Assess Skills; Interest, Time; Attend Training or Hire STNC Work Flow for Drupal Site Creation Gather Content; Prepare Site Map / Screen Designs; Decide on / Request a Drupal Theme / Subdomain (a.k.a. migration request); Build Your Accessible Site Site Monitoring Quality Assurance; Accessibility; Analytics
Site Monitoring All Drupal sites monitored QA, Accessibility and Analytics Contracted with a site monitoring service (Siteimprove) Content Administrator(s) receive reports received periodically for: QA Accessibility Analytics data available anytime Online Support Video tutorials Accessibility Training
Quality Assurance Site is monitored for Quality Content Administrator(s) receive periodic reports Misspellings Broken Links
Accessibility Site is monitored for Accessibility Content Administrator(s) receive periodic reports Accessibility: Meeting the needs of people with disabilities WCAG 2.0 Level A, Level AA Common errors: forgetting “alt” tags for images improper use of heading “h” tags input fields missing descriptions, etc. Free online Accessibility classes available
Analytics Data Tracking Site Visits Page Views Unique Visitors Returning Visitors Bounce Rate Most Popular Pages etc.
Resources Website Planning: Screen Design: Accessibility: Siteimprove:
Conclusion Get Started!! Plan and Build Your Site!! Visit SRJC Drupal Sites; Define Project; Assess Skills; Interest, Time; Attend Training or Hire STNC; Plan and Build Your Site!! Gather Content; Prepare Site Map / Screen Designs; / Subdomain; Build Your Accessible Site Monitor Your Site!! Quality Assurance; Accessibility; Analytics