Bell Ringer What’s wrong with this graph? Turn in Graphing and Review WSs if you didn’t Friday BYOD tomorrow – bring charged device Time (s) Volume 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 35 23 14 10
Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Horizontal lines that circle the Earth The equator is 0o latitude Measure locations north and south of the equator Maximum latitude: 90o North Pole: 90oN South Pole: 90oS
Latitude The lines are parallel (never intersect) Each degree of latitude is = 111km on Earth’s surface To measure more precisely, degrees are broken into smaller units called minutes or seconds Raleigh’s latitude: 35°49’8“ N degrees seconds minutes
Longitude Vertical lines that circle the earth The Prime Meridian is 0o longitude Measures locations east and west of the Prime Meridian
Longitude Maximum longitude: 180o (half of a circle) International Date Line – 180o longitude
Longitude Lines of longitude are NOT parallel. They intersect at both the North and South Poles. Because of this, 1o near the equator is much larger than 1o near the poles. Raleigh’s longitude: 78°38’39” W
How am I going to remember this??? Latitude is FLATitude What is a LATERAL pass in football? LONGitude, like someone with long hair
Time Zones What time is it right now in NC? What time is it in California?
Time Zones The Earth is divided into 24 time zones (because there are 24 hours in a day) Time zones are mostly drawn along lines of longitude, though some have been adjusted for convenience
Time Zones As you travel west, the time gets earlier If it is 2:00pm in TX, what time is it in CO? 1:00 pm If it is 2:00pm in AZ, what time is it in FL? 4:00 pm
Time Zones International Date Line (180o longitude) – line that divides one day from another Eastern locations such as Japan and Australia are the latest times on Earth Tokyo is 13 hours ahead of us!
Work on Latitude/Longitude WS in groups of 1-3 Work on Latitude/Longitude WS in groups of 1-3. Each person must contribute to each question (do not “divide and conquer.”). This is your first chance to prove to me that you can work in groups of your own choosing. How today goes will affect how group work looks the rest of this semester. Include directions (N,S,E,W) for each answer. Turn in when done. Start on Mapping Lab (ask for directions).