Planting a S.E.E.D. for Writing Improvement
S. E. E. D. stands for Statement, Explanation, Evidence, and Discovery S.E.E.D. stands for Statement, Explanation, Evidence, and Discovery. It’s a process that will help you: focus on each element of the paragraph writing process clearly develop your paragraph.
Each STATEMENT comes from a research question… that you will EXPLAIN, That you will support with EVIDENCE, and For which you will write a DISCOVERY statement
We’re going to use the example topic of Global Warming
The question that we are going to turn into the first STATEMENT is: How are the polar regions affected by the warming environment?
I might answer my first question and/or turn my sample question into this Statement: The effect of declining sea ice in polar regions due to global warming would impact both the environment and the life that exists there. Turn your question into a Statement, and copy it down inside the Statement flap!
The following information adds an Explanation that elaborates on the statement: Not only would the Sea Ice itself be changed by the warming air and water temperatures, but those changes would, in turn, have an effect on the living creatures that live on that frozen ice.
Write a sentence that provides a further Explanation and/or gives details about your statement across the inside of the Explanation flap.
Now, we need to add the textual Evidence that supports the explanation Now, we need to add the textual Evidence that supports the explanation. It might look something like this: According to the article in National Geographic, the ice will not only become thinner, but the size of the ice sheets and glaciers will shrink. This change will have “detrimental effects on many organisms including migratory birds, mammals, and higher predators” (Rogers 23).
Find a piece of textual Evidence that supports your statement and explanation And write it down across the inside of your Evidence flap. Leave a set of parenthesis ( ) after this quote for later documentation.
Mine might look like this: The last step is to write a Discovery statement that brings your own thoughts about the subject back into the paragraph. Mine might look like this: Regardless of whether one can agree or not that global warming is a natural part of the evolution of the Earth or whether it is being caused by man, the diminishing polar regions that are a result are going to impact and affect not only the region itself but also the life that exists there, and those changes could then create a ripple-down effect on the entire globe.
Create a discovery statement that would match the rest of the paragraph that you’ve created and write it down across the inside of the Discovery flap.
You survived to tell the tale!!!! Read through all of the Paragraph lines together. You’ve now put together a well worded and well structured paragraph and … You survived to tell the tale!!!!