18/09/2006©RSH Online Services
18/09/2006©RSH Online Services A vast range of services is available on the internet. Some of these are mentioned in the following slides. The list is not exhaustive and new services are appearing all the time.
18/09/2006©RSH Services Communication – , instant messaging, newsgroups, on- line conferencing Commerce –Shopping, banking, auctions Entertainment –Multi-user games, radio players Real-time information –Train timetables, news services, traffic reports, weather information Continued…
18/09/2006©RSH Services Archiving –Videoconferencing, collaborative working, business networks Education –On-line learning and training, Virtual Learning Environment Continued…
18/09/2006©RSH Services Download services –Music, films, upgrades, software Business –X-drives Government –On-line tax returns, e-voting, applications for grants/services, on-line applications for car tax Continued…
18/09/2006©RSH Communications No geographical boundaries Range of services include – , instant messaging and chat services, newsgroups, online conferencing, blogs
18/09/2006©RSH Speed Multiple sends and copies Cost Convenience Sharing data Ease of use Speed Multiple sends and copies Cost Convenience Sharing data Ease of use Spam Routing Security Confidentiality Spam Routing Security Confidentiality ProsCons
18/09/2006©RSH Others Instant messaging and chat services Newsgroups Online conferencing Blogs
18/09/2006©RSH Real-time information Travel –Rail times, ferry times (ferryport.com)ferryport.com News Radio TV
18/09/2006©RSH Commerce Greater choice (Amazon)Amazon Flexible Convenient Easy and Secure online payments Auctions (ebay) Banking –View statements, organise loans etc..
18/09/2006©RSH Government Book a driving test Apply for a passport Claim benefits Get health advice Get information about employment rights Check travel advice from the Foreign Office Use department websites to –Pay council tax, contact council offices etc. Vote or find out who the local M.P. is
18/09/2006©RSH Education On-line courses, training, learning –Useful for everyone especially those who cannot get to the place of learning Access to encyclopaedias, libraries, research material UCAS
18/09/2006©RSH Business Videoconferencing Collaborative working Business networks
18/09/2006©RSH Entertainment Whats on this weekend – search on the Internet Film reviews Games –Single user –Multi user
18/09/2006©RSH Download services and archiving Upgrades Music Films Software Archive material
18/09/2006©RSH Assessment A description and evaluation of at least five different types of online service, drawn together to give a picture of the current scope and limitations of the internet as a whole. Look at the assessment grid now !