Grounding Assumptions


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Presentation transcript:

Grounding Assumptions The work of equity and diversity is about creating community, which involves building trust through careful listening, respectful disagreement, and taking risks • We will do our best to be present & minimize distractions • We respect each other’s confidentiality; pay attention to what is yours to share – and what is not • We are all doing the best we can • Growth and learning can be uncomfortable; remember it’s ok to make mistakes - we all do Individuals and organizations can – and do – grow and change, but it doesn’t happen overnight •We always need to practice self awareness:  Think about when you’re speaking up; Think about when you’re not speaking up •This work is everyone’s responsibility; every person is capable of making equity and diversity a core value in their life •There are no “quick fixes,” and we don’t have to fix everything •It’s ok to take care of ourselves; practice forgiveness and letting go, so you can sustain yourself in this work Adapted from Jamie Washington, Washington Consulting Group

The University has made a clear and dedicated effort to diversity and inclusion. As such, the Arboretum is dedicating resources to give you the tools to succeed in a rapidly changing world. Discussions around equity, diversity, and inclusion can be difficult, especially if we’re not all using the same language or phrases. The Arboretum’s mission declares that we are “To welcome, inform, and inspire all through outstanding displays, protected natural areas, horticultural research and education.”  

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Thank you for the hard work you’re doing (internally and externally) to make the Arboretum a welcoming place for ALL to enjoy.