Intro to the Cold War
Post WWII By defeating Germany, the USSR gained territory in Eastern Europe. The Soviet Union set up “satellite states” in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, and East Germany that were ruled by Communist governments. Europe (and the World) was split into two spheres of influence: The East (Soviet allies – Communist) and The West (American allies – Capitalist). The struggle for power between these two sides is known as the Cold War. This divide in the world, and its domination by 2 superpowers is known as a bipolar world. The division of Europe is known as the IRON CURTAIN.
The Iron Curtain
Division of Germany
NATO (1949) – North Atlantic Treaty Organization – United States, Canada, Western European nations set up a military alliance against the Communists. based on idea of collective security Warsaw Pact (1955) – Soviets organize the communist nations of Eastern Europe into a similar military alliance.
Early Stages of the Cold War Berlin Blockade (1948-49) – the USSR attempts to cut off access to West Berlin by shutting down all land routes (roads/rail) into the city. - Trying to get control of all of Berlin. - Allied nations fly supplies in until Stalin backs down. Marshall Plan – U.S. sends aid to European countries to help them rebuild after war. U.S. wanted to strengthen their European allies to prevent further expansion of Communism. Truman Doctrine – U.S. President Harry Truman’s plan to contain the spread of communism and prevent Soviet influence from growing by supporting countries who resisted communism (esp. in Asia)