Aquarium Tanasi Second Grade April 29, 2016
Sea Horses Their bodies are covered with bony rings. Sea horses can change colors to blend. It eats plankton and other food.
Sea Stars A hard outer shell protects them from predators. Sea stars live in all the world’s ocean. To eat a sea star pushes it’s stomach .
Jelly Fish They grab food with their long tentacles . Most live in shallow water near coasts. Jellyfish eat plankton and fish.
My Exciting Trip My exciting part was that when we saw the turtle with pink spot on his legs and he was also so cute . I also saw a crocodile it was scary .
References “Sea Stars” PebbleGo. May 31, 2016 “Jellyfish” PebbleGo. May 31, 2016 “Sea Stars” PebbleGo. May 31, 2016 Sea Horses” PebbleGo. May 31, 2016Sea