KenGen Media Report 12 Oct, 2017 to 13 Oct, 2017
Publication - Daily Nation Page - 2 Fri, 13 October 2017 How I conquered Mt Kenya AVE : Kshs. 266,010 PRV : Kshs. 798,030 Tonality : Neutral Japanese ambassador Toshitsugu Uewasa climbed Mt Kenya recently, to see the view of the country from the peak. Japan government funded The expansion of Ngong Road which is set to ease transport within Nairobi, and the Olkaria geothermal power plant, which introduced world-class, cutting-edge technology to Kenya's energy sector.
Publication - The Standard Page - 25 Fri, 13 October 2017 KenGen to use Sh270m to repair road AVE : Kshs. 56,833 PRV : Kshs. 170,499 Tonality : Positive Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) will spend Sh270 million to repair the 25km Kivaa-Kiambere road to ease access to its power stations.
KenGen Print Coverage DATE PUBLICATION HEADLINE/SUBJECT PAGE AVE VALUE PR VALUE SUMMARY 13-Oct-17 Daily Nation How I conquered Mt Kenya 2 266010 798,030 Japanese ambassador Toshitsugu Uewasa climbed Mt Kenya recently, to see the view of the country from the peak. Japan government funded The expansion of Ngong Road which is set to ease transport within Nairobi, and the Olkaria geothermal power plant, which introduced world-class, cutting-edge technology to Kenya's energy sector. The Standard KenGen to use Sh270m to repair road 25 56833 170,499 Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) will spend Sh270 million to repair the 25km Kivaa-Kiambere road to ease access to its power stations.
KenGen Print Industry DATE PUBLICATION HEADLINE/SUBJECT PAGE AVE VALUE PR VALUE SUMMARY 13-Oct-17 Business Daily Diesel consumption drops for first time in seven years 2 8559 25,677 Diesel consumption in Kenya dropped for the first time in seven years, pointing to a slowdown in an economy that uses the fuel to power industries, agricultural machinery and commercial vehicles. Daily Nation County turns to solar power for water pumps 21 22726 68,178 The Nyandarua County Government will invest Sh180 million in borehole projects where water will be pumped using solar power. POWER FAILURE 15 19157 57,471 Nearly 1,000 households on Ngumba Road at Githurai 44, on Nairobi’s northwestern outskirts are suffering due to power failure that has lasted more than 70 hours, defying efforts by Kenya Power technicians, Paul Njuguna moans. The technicians, Paul adds, have been at work for nearly 10 hour The Nairobian 10 County by laws that should be scrapped 145994 437,982 There are several by-laws from the County Government of Nairobi which are clearly an inheritance of a colonial hangover.
KenGen Print Industry DATE PUBLICATION HEADLINE/SUBJECT PAGE AVE VALUE PR VALUE SUMMARY 13-Oct-17 The Standard Traders oppose decision to allow afternoon hawking 20 234259 702,777 City traders have appealed to Governor Mike Sonko to reconsider his decision to allow hawkers to sell their goods in the central business district from 2pm. The Star Base Titanium to invest. Sh3bn in second plant 17 268445 805,335 Base Titanium will invest Sh3 billion in its Kwale Phase 2 project so as to fully exploit the plant's mineral separation capacity.
KenGen Electronic Industry DATE STATION TITLE TIME AVE VALUE PR VALUE SUMMARY 12-Oct-17 Athiani FM Machakos govt urged to connect Kangundo residents to electricity 16:17 35330 105990 Residents of Kikambuani,Kawauni,Katwii Kanini and environs in Kangundo have asked Machakos county government to fulfill its promise by connecting them to electricity. Classic 105 Man sentenced to death for vandalizing transformer 16:00 24770 74310 A man has been sentenced to death by a Nyeri court, for vandalizing a transformer and violently robbing customers. County FM Traders want KPLC to repair power lines in Muambani 07:10 25810 77430 Muambani traders have urged KPLC to repair faulty power lines in the area. East FM Man sentenced to death by Nyeri court 18:03 17010 51030 A man has been sentenced to death by a Nyeri court for vandalizing a transformer and violently robbing customers.
KenGen Electronic Industry DATE STATION TITLE TIME AVE VALUE PR VALUE SUMMARY 12-Oct-17 Hope FM Man sentenced to death for vandalizing transformer 18:02 25060 75180 A man has been sentenced to death by a Nyeri court for vandalizing a transformer and violently robbing customers Inooro FM UK to inject Sh8bn for M-Kopa Solar 11:09 70480 211440 The UK government will use Sh8 billion to support M-Kopa Solar initiative which seeks to connect electricity to over one million homes in Kenya and Uganda. Those who will get the facilities on loans will repay via M-Pesa. Kiss FM Nyeri court sentences man to death 16:03 23590 70770 A man has been sentenced to death by Nyeri court for vandalizing a transformer and violently robbing the customers. Radio Jambo 17:05 36660 109980
KenGen Electronic Industry DATE STATION TITLE TIME AVE VALUE PR VALUE SUMMARY 12-Oct-17 Ebru Africa Kenya's inflation drops to 7.6% 13:30 184000 552000 The nation inflation dropped to 7.6% in the month of September from 8.04% in the month of August due to normalization of food distribution that was disrupted by General Election in August. KBC Channel 1 Conservationists raises concerns on coal power plant 13:10 624910 1874730 A group of conservationists is calling on the government to reexamine the proposed plan to establish a coal power plant project in Lamu county. NTV M-KOPA Solar raises Ksh 5.5B in expansion funding 12:23 115500 346500 M-KOPA Solar has received funding booster after the UK Government and other investors raised Ksh 5.5B for the project. Taita farmers benefit with solar pumps 19:15 252560 757680 Taita Taveta farmers have benefited with water pumps using solar to help improve the farming and profits.
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